商务英语听说第二版课件房玉靖 ISBN9787566301703 PPTUnit 6.ppt

商务英语听说第二版课件房玉靖 ISBN9787566301703 PPTUnit 6.ppt

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商务英语听说 著 ISBN:978-7-81134-433-2 2009年9月 第1版 定价:28.00 Unit 6 Appointments and Arrangements Unit 6 Part A Intensive Listening Part B Extensive Listening Part C Listening Speaking Integration Part D Oral Practice Related Information Part A Intensive Listening Phonetics Dictation Part B Extensive Listening Dialogues Conversation Part C Listening Speaking Integration Conversation Passage Part D Oral Practice Role-play Topic Discussion Part A – Phonetics Listen and tick the word you hear. The word will be read once. 1. a. high b. hide c. hate d. made 2. a. pub b. part c. park d. pet 3. a. mug b. mud c. mark d. march 4. a. but b. bark c. bar d. bat 5. a. hunt b. heart c. hat d. hurt Part A – Dictation You’ll hear eight sentences. When you hear the first time, repeat the sentence and pay attention to the stresses and tones. Then listen again and write them down. Check your answers when you listen for the third time. 1. I’d like to arrange a meeting to discuss our new order sometime next week. 2. You’ll be having a lunch meeting with the department managers tomorrow. 3. Could you please put off the negotiation to Tuesday July 21st? 4. The meeting is scheduled at 3 o’clock this afternoon in the conference room. 5. Could we meet and discuss the matter in detail? 6. I’m calling about Wednesday’s appointment we made yesterday. 7. Let’s draw up an agenda for our discussions together. 8. I’m sorry I won’t be able to afford any time on the morning of next Friday. Part B – Dialogues 1. A. Nine o’clock in the morning. B. Twelve o’clock at noon. C. Three o’clock in the afternoon. D. Half past four in the afternoon. 2. A. He can’t meet her on Thursday because he has to buy some books. B. He can’t meet her on Thursday because he has other appointments. C. He is willing to meet her on Thursday. D. He doesn’


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