商务英语阅读下册课件国晓立 周树玲ISBN 9787810789493 PPTUnit 2.ppt

商务英语阅读下册课件国晓立 周树玲ISBN 9787810789493 PPTUnit 2.ppt

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Unit Two Teaching Objectives 了解绩效考核的本质 了解绩效考核的重要性 了解绩效考核的步骤 Teaching Emphases performance evaluation enforce feedback monitor put on the back burner Content Text Fast Reading I Fast Reading II TEXT Performance Evaluation Pre-reading questions 1. What is the significance of performance evaluation? 2. What steps should we follow in the performance evaluation? Encourage feedback from the employee. After youve discussed the results of the evaluation with the employee, encourage him or her to give you some non-defensive feedback. Ask the employee whether he or she agrees with your assessment, and/or invite suggestions for improvement. Create disciplinary and termination procedures. In some cases, even after a thorough performance evaluation and a discussion of expected improvements, an employee will continue to perform poorly. You need to be prepared to handle such a situation by having well-defined, written disciplinary and termination procedures in place. These procedures should outline the actions that will be taken when performance deteriorates - a verbal warning, a written warning if there is no improvement or a recurrence, and termination if the situation is not ultimately resolved. Language points performance evaluation 绩效考核是绩效管理的一个阶段,一个环节,绩效管理是员工和经理就绩效问题所进行的双向沟通的一个过程。在这个过程中,经理与员工在沟通的基础上,帮助员工定立绩效发展目标,然后通过过程的沟通,对员工的绩效能力进行辅导,帮助员工不断实现绩效目标。在此基础上,作为一段时间绩效的总结,经理通过科学的手段和工具对员工的绩效进行考核,确立员工的绩效等级,找出员工绩效的不足,进而制定相应的改进计划,帮助员工改进绩效提高中的缺陷和不足,使员工朝更高的绩效目标迈进。绩效考核是对员工一段时间的工作、绩效目标等进行考核,是前段时间的工作总结,同时考核结果为相关人事决策(晋升、解雇、加薪、奖金)、绩效管理体系的完善和提高等提供依据 Language points assess ----- v. to make a judgment about the nature or quality of sb. / sth 评估人、物等之性质[价值],评价,估价 e.g. How do you assess your students? 你如何评估学生们 (的成绩) ? Language points outweigh ----- vt. to be greater or more important than something 优于…,胜过…,较…重要 e.g.1. The advantages of the scheme outweigh its disadvantages. 该方案的优点超过缺点。 2. With him, honesty outweighs wealth.


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