商务英语阅读下册课件国晓立 周树玲ISBN 9787810789493 PPTUnit 4.ppt

商务英语阅读下册课件国晓立 周树玲ISBN 9787810789493 PPTUnit 4.ppt

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Unit Four Teaching Objectives 了解六西格玛的实质 了解六西格玛与以前管理模式的区别 了解六西格玛在企业的实施 Teaching Emphases Six Sigma bottom line profitability shareholder downsizing Content Text Fast Reading I Fast Reading II TEXT Why Should We Go For Six Sigma ? Pre-reading questions 1. What is Six Sigma? 2. Why Six Sigma is popular with companies? Language points Six Sigma 六西格玛管理体系,是获得和保持企业在经营上的成功并将其经营业绩最大化的综合管理体系和发展战略,是使企业获得快速增长的经营方式。6西格玛管理是“寻求同时增加顾客满意和企业经济增长的经营战略途径”。它不是单纯的技术方法的引用,而是全新的管理模式。始于20世纪八十年代中期,其动机是提高质量,在实施过程中,充当十分重要的管理角色。统计每一百万个顾客中有多少个顾客不满意的科学方法就是6σ Language points effectiveness ----- n. power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring about an effect效力,有效性 e.g. In data security, an attack on the security of a computer system, undertaken to test the effectiveness of the security and to highlight any areas of weakness.? 在数据必威体育官网网址学中,对一个计算机系统的安全性的攻击,用以测试安全的有效性及暴露弱点。 Language points efficiency ----- n. skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort 效率 e.g. The two companies consolidated for greater efficiency.? 这两家公司已合并以提高效率。 Language points initiative ----- n. readiness to embark on bold new ventures首创精神,主动性 e.g. 1. I put it all down to her hard work and initiative.? 我把这一切归因于她工作又勤奋又主动。 2. It is hoped that the governments initiative will bring the strike to an end.? 希望政府采取的主动措施可以结束罢工。 Language points generate ----- v. bring into existence产生,发生 e.g. 1. This hatred was generated by racial prejudice.? 这种仇恨是由种族偏见引起的。 2. In fact, virtual reality is exploiting software and hardware of the computer to generate a simulation of an environment. 实际上,虚拟现实就是利用计算机的软件和硬件去产生一种境界的仿真。 Language points anticipate ----- v. make a prediction about; tell in advance预期,期待 e.g. 1. We anticipate that demand is likely to increase.? 我们预料需求可能增加. 2. We anticipate that we will meet a certain amount of resistance to our plan.? 我们预料我们的计划会遇到一些人的反对。 Language points shareholder 股东是指持有公司股份或



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