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实用外事接待英语口语课件肖文萍 ISBN9787811346701 PPTlesson 14.ppt

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Lesson 14 Visiting the Great Wall Spoken English of Foreign Affairs Part I: on the way to the great wall Aristotle (Greek: Aristotélēs) (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He wrote on many different subjects, including physics, metaphysics , (形而上学/玄学) poetry, theater, logic, rhetoric (修辞学), politics, government, ethics(伦理学), biology (生物学)and Zoology(动物学). Archimedes Archimedes (Greek: 287?BC – c. 212?BC) was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, astronomer and engineer. Archimedes The period of the Warring states: covers the period from some time in the 5th century BC to the unification of China by the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC. The Seven Warring States, were the Qi, the Chu, the Yan, the Han, the Zhao, the Wei and the Qin. Strategic points: critical location for battles Territory: 领土 Unify:To make into or become a unit Nomadic tribe: 游牧民族Xiongnu, Mongol, Manchu Extend from … to …:从... 延绵[一直]到 A Review of Part I 1 when was the Great Wall built? 2 why was it built? 3 what’s the total length? 4 where is the Badaling section located? 5 How high is the highest point? Part II: showing the scenery along the wall ravine?n deep narrow steep-sided valley between mountains 既深且狭﹑ 坡度很大的山谷 Flank:side of sth, eg a building or mountain 侧面(如建 物或山的). If something is flanked by things, it has them on both sides of it, or sometimes on one side of it. Bronze statue of Zhan Tianyou 京张铁路的“之”字形线路 青龙桥火车站所处的这段铁路是整条京张铁路的精华所在。车站旁的八达岭隧道全长1091米,詹天佑在当时没有新式开山机、抽水机和通风机设备的困难情况下,创造性地采用两端开凿、中开竖井的施工方法,顺利解决了难题,仅用了18个月就开凿成功,为我国铁路第一个超千米长大隧道,它的胜利开通曾在当时令世人瞩目。针对八达岭一带地势陡险、坡度大的难题,詹天佑充分发挥了他的聪明才智,设计了著名的“之”字形线路,使列车能够顺利通过,而青龙桥车站就是这“之”字形线路的中间一段。这两项工程是京张铁路的关键工程。   现在的青龙桥火车站还基本保留着100年前的原貌,其主要建筑还是原带有上世纪西洋风格的老候车室,车站旁竖立有一尊詹天佑全身铜像,为1919年詹天佑逝世后中华工程师学会所立;铜像的后边拾级而上,是呈站台状的詹天佑墓,建于1982年,是由铁道部等单位从北京海淀迁移至此的。   京张铁路通车后,所有的列车在通过“之”字形线路时,都要在青龙桥站做技术性停靠,车站每天要接送几十对列车。解放后,国家为避开京张铁路青龙桥一段的大坡道,修建了丰沙线铁路,特别是70年代丰沙二线的建成通车,从京张铁路分流走了大部分列车。近年来,随着列车的加大编组和提速,现从北京西客站开出的列



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