国际商务礼仪课件廖国强 王朝晖ISBN 9787566304742 PPTUnit 21.pptVIP

国际商务礼仪课件廖国强 王朝晖ISBN 9787566304742 PPTUnit 21.ppt

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Adequate Preparation for Business Trips (充分准备) Notes to the text 1、humdrum: dull and lace excitement 乏味的,平凡的 humdrum video无聊的片段 2、duffel bag: (防水的帆布)行李袋 Kevin slung the duffel bag over his shoulder and jammed the purple chips into his pockets. 凯文把这个破粗布袋子背在肩膀上,又把剩余的紫色筹码一股脑塞进衣兜里。 3、lavish: very generous 慷慨的,大方的 He staged the most lavish productions of Mozart. 他举办了最盛大的莫扎特作品演奏会。 4、lowdown: 实情 Please give me the lowdown. Can you introduce a good place? 请告诉我实际情况。你能不能介绍一个好地方? 5、tenuous: having little substance or significance 无关紧要的,细微的 Three years later, however, progress is looking tenuous. 然而三年过去了,禁毒行动几无进展。 He did not speculate on the future of his tenuous career. 他没有考虑到自己不稳定的职业前景。 B. Maintain a Professional Manner in Business Trips (保持职业风范) 3、stand in good stead 对你有好处 Some work experience will stand you in good stead. 积累点工作经验对你有好处。 4、prop up: support 支持,资助 Moreover, China is not the only country to prop up brutish regimes. 再者,中国并不是支持那些野蛮政权的唯一国家。 5、misdemeanour: 不良行为 He decided to take responsibility for his misdemeanour and resign. 他决定为自己的行为不端负责并辞职。 6、 decorum: propriety in manners and conduct 端庄得体 Youve breached the decorum of my courtroomwith all this hooting. 你的这种叫嚣违反了本法庭的礼仪。 7、jeopardize: present a danger to 危及,危害 His foolish behaviour may jeopardize his whole future. 他的愚蠢行为可能会危及他的整个前途。 8、travelpro: 旅行者 9、gaffe: a socially awkward or tactless act 失礼,出丑 The second gaffe was to choose to resolve disputes not in China but in an arbitration court in Stockholm. 第二个过失是,选择在斯德哥尔摩的一家仲裁庭,而不是在中国解决纠纷。 10、a good rule of thumb 好的做法,好的经验 Thats actually a really good rule of thumb. 那实际上是一个好的经验法则。 C. Essential Tips for Business Travel Etiquettes in Different Countries (跨国商务旅行中的基本礼仪技巧) 5、impromptu: 事先无准备的;即席的 She played a tune impromptu. 她善于发表即席演说。 Were having an impromptu meeting! 我们在开一个临时会议! 6、standoffish:(非正式语)冷淡的,冷漠的 II. The whole class is encouraged to search for more detailed information on appropriate business trip etiquettes in various countrie



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