对外经贸英语函电第四版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787811343946 PPT 89章教参pptC9L54.pptVIP

对外经贸英语函电第四版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787811343946 PPT 89章教参pptC9L54.ppt

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* CHAPTER NINE COMPLAINTS AND CLAIMS Lesson 54 Claim Rejected I. About the letter: This is a letter rejecting the buyer’s complaint. Such a letter should show that you understand his position and that his complaint has been carefully considered, giving convincing reasons why his complaint can not be accepted, closing on a friendly note and trying to leave your customer in a satisfied frame of mind. II. Additional notes: 1. complain v.不满,抱怨,申诉 to complain of/about sth. to complain that … They are complaining about the poor quality of the products. 他们抱怨产品低劣的质量。 Our buyers complained to us of the excessive moisture of your seeds. 我们的买主抱怨你们的瓜子水分含量太高。 2. respecting prep.关于,由于,鉴于 respecting, with respect to, with reference to, with regard to, as regards, regarding, concerning, as to, in connetion with, covering等短语在商务英语函电中都表示“关于”的意思。 Please let us have your pricelist respecting your groundnuts. 请给我们关于你方花生的价目单。 With respect to quality, nothing can be said against. 质量无可挑剔。 3. first-class adj.第一流的,一级的 Unless you can give us an assurance that you will in future provide us with first-class quality, we shall reluctantly have to go elsewhere. 除非你们保证今后向我们提供最佳品质的货物,否则我们将被迫转向其他地方购买。 4. damage n.损坏,损害,损失 damage allowed as general average 可做共同海损的损失 damage by water 水损 damage in transit 运输途中的损坏 damage suit 损害赔偿诉讼 damage survey 损失调查,损失检验 damage through contact with other cargo 与其他货物接触的损坏 actual damage 实际损害 estimated damage 估计损害 air shipment damage 空运损害 sea damage 海损 sea shipment damage 海运损害 sea water damage 海水侵蚀 We reserve the right to claim compensation from you for any damage. 我们对任何损失保留向你方提出索赔的权利。 damage v. 损坏,损害 As we are in urgent need of these goods, any delay will undoubtedly damage our future business. 因为我们急需这批货物,任何延迟无疑将有损于我们之间今后的业务。 III. Chinese version of the letter: 迳启者: 收到你方7月10日函。得知你方对我们由CHUKCHISEA轮运去的毛织品提出抱怨。 就此事查阅了我们的纪录,我们所能发现的是该货离开此地时情况良好,这有提单为证。因此,很显然你方抱怨所受到的损失一定是在运输途中发生的,在这种情况下,我们显然不能对此负责,请你们向船行提出索赔,他们应对此负责。 不管怎样,感谢你方



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