英汉汉英口译基础教程课件孙亚主编 ISBN9787811344998 正文Unit 1.pptVIP

英汉汉英口译基础教程课件孙亚主编 ISBN9787811344998 正文Unit 1.ppt

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英汉汉英口译基础教程 Unit 1 Spectacular Sports A. Individual Work: Presentation Topic: The Olympic Games in My Heart. Brainstorming clues: history, motto, spirit, culture, medals, champions, opening ceremony… B. Group work: Reading and Discussion 1. Can you tell us the history of Olympic Games? 2. How do you understand the Olympic motto? C. Group work: Four-cornered Dialogue Interpretation Difficult Sentences 取得银牌就算不上取得胜利。 A silver medalist is a “loser”. 在政策允许下被特招进北大 to enter the university via preferential policy 我更愿意做一块金字塔的基石。 I prefer to be the cornerstone of the pyramid. D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation Text one Note-taking London and the Olympic Movement have come together when there were serious challenges to be faced. London is ready to join you in facing a new challenge and to provide another enduring sporting legacy. D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation Text one Note-taking So we are delighted that the Evaluation Commission judges our bid to be “of very high quality”. we want to deliver a magical atmosphere. An electrifying experience for competitors and spectators. D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation Text one Note-taking We have listened and learnt. We worked just as hard to understand the needs of all those upon whom the athletes depend. We know the Games must offer more than just 17 days of world-class sport and celebration. D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation Text two Note-taking 除了紫禁城、天坛和万里长城这几个标志性的建筑,北京拥有无数的戏院、博物馆,各种各样的餐厅和歌舞场所 北京人民相信,在北京举办2008年奥运会,将推动我们文化和全世界文化的交流。 D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation Text two Note-taking 将是展现中国杰出作家、导演和作曲家的舞台,讴歌人类的共同理想,以及我们独特的奥林匹克运动。 我们的火炬接力,将途经希腊、埃及、罗马、美索布达米亚,波斯、印度和中国,以共享和平、共享奥运为主题, 中国的奥运圣火将通过西藏,穿过长江和黄河,踏上长城,途经香港、澳门、台湾,在组成我们国家的56个民族中传递。 E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation Text One Difficult Sentences And I think that even with Phil being the coach I would have had a tough time, mentally finding the challenge for myself. 但我觉得既使本赛季他还担任教练,我也会觉得很困难,内心里我已感受到了挑战。


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