旅游英语课件姜丽主编 ISBN9787811343502旅游英语pptunit 39.15.ppt

旅游英语课件姜丽主编 ISBN9787811343502旅游英语pptunit 39.15.ppt

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Words and expressions: Copenhagen n.哥本哈根 Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都) efficiently adv.有效率地, 有效地 inexpensive adj. 便宜的, 不贵重的 drawback n. 缺点, 障碍 accumulate v.积累,积聚 premium a. 鼓励,奖励 eligible adj. 有权的,有资格的 If you travel abroad alone, sometimes you may decide to travel by subway. Actually it’s quite an exciting experience when you’re touring in foreign countries. We all know that subways are mostly found in larger cities, such as New York, London, Pairs, Copenhagen, Buenos Aires, Sydney, Tokyo, and Beijing. The subway is an underground system of high speed trains. Words and expressions: magnetic adj. 磁的, 有磁性的, 有吸引力的 detector n. 探测器, 检波器, 检电器 convenient adj. 便利的, 方便的 accompany? n. 陪伴, 伴奏 turnstile?? ???? n. 十字转门 viaduct n.高架桥 scenic adj. 景色优美的 B: I noticed most buses in Tianjin adopt coin-in-the-slot instead of the conductor service. A: Yes, indeed. You’re really a very careful observer. You can use a magnetic fare card. If you put the card on the detector, you’ll hear a beep, and that means you have paid. B: Aha, it’s very convenient! C: Oh, here comes a bus. Is this the one we should take? A: Yes, it’s No. 5. Be ready to get on, Kate and Peter. 根据天津城市总体规划,天津将在2010年建造7条地铁线路,总长达153.9公里。 天津已经完成地铁2号线和3号线的计划和设计。2号线总长22.5公里,横跨从东向西,20.3公里在地下,总共20个车站,18个站台将建在地下。3号线总长28.4公里,纵跨从南向北,20公里在地下,2.2公里建在地上,6.2公里为高架地铁。总共22站,3站为高架站台,17站建在地下,2站建在地上。两条线路预计在2011年末开通。 II. Role-play: Your guests ask you about local subway service. Make a detailed description for your guests. 1) 放到探测器上,然后推动旋转门就可以进站台了。 2)你把车票牌放入投币口,然后推动旋转门就可以出站台了。 3)这是我第一次到天津来,如果能给我介绍一些名胜景点将不胜感谢。 4)我们之间做个交易怎么样?我雇你两天,给我当司机和向导。 5)有些公交车装有空调,改善了公共交通的条件。在冬天和夏天特别受乘客的欢迎。 III.Read the following passage and recite it. Summer Palace IV. Supplementary exercise Practical Writing: Wr



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