国际商务英语口语实训课件朱扬琼 ISBN9787566305176电子教案Four.ppt

国际商务英语口语实训课件朱扬琼 ISBN9787566305176电子教案Four.ppt

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Conclusion of Business Lesson 14 An Initial Order Lesson 15 (A) A Repeat Order (B) Declining a Repeat Order Lesson 16 Confirmation of an Order Lesson 17 Offering Substitute Lesson 18 (A) Sending a S/C (B) A Reply Lesson 19 Skill Training [Aim] ■ To be familiar with various modes of orders ■ To draw up make out a contract [Main Difficult Points] ■ To place and confirm an order ■ To fill in a contract in English ■ To know the contents of a sales contract or sales confirmation 导入 通过洽谈,烟台金王公司与国外进口商NBG公司在相应的贸易条款上达成了共识,达成了第一笔交易。经双方的共同努力,市场反映非常好。于是NBG公司打算再次同金王公司合作。由于上次订单的执行令双方都很满意,所以NBG公司想采用续定单这种形式购货,但是金王公司只能完成订单的一半,因为手头的订单过多,然而金王公司又不想放弃这样的合作机会,于是想用另一种产品替代,经协商双方达了一致,准备新一轮的合作。 ■分析思考 1、续订单是一种什么样的订单?在什么情况下采用续订单订货? 2、为什么金王公司没有拒绝NBG公司的订单而要提供代替品?怎样才能劝说NBG 公司接受代替品? 3、假设你是金王公司的业务员怎样起草这份合同? ■启示 在进出口贸易中,买卖双方都极力争取自己成为对方的老客户,以便节省时间和精力来争取更多的订单。因此,要学会善于采用各种形式的订单并阐述充分的理由说服客户接受。 Brief Introduction An order is a letter or printed form sent by an importer to an exporter for enquiry to supply goods they negotiated . Once an order is accepted by the exporter , he must send a letter confirming agreed terms and conditions. Then a transaction is concluded and a contract will be signed between both parties. Lesson 14 An Initial Order [Aim] ■ To know some different orders and write a letter of initial orders. [Main Difficult Points] ■ The contents of an initial order Content ■ Brief introduction ■ Language points ■ Useful sentences ■ Summary of the letter ■ Summary of business ■ Writing skills ■ Training in class ■ Homework Brief Introduction In international trade, an initial order is a new order from a new customer. It should be confirmed in the written form . The purpose of doing so is to make sure that both the exporter and the importer have identical understanding of terms on which they have


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