商务英语综合教程第二册课件胡富茂主编 ISBN9787566304629 PPTunit 5.pptx

商务英语综合教程第二册课件胡富茂主编 ISBN9787566304629 PPTunit 5.pptx

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Unit 5 International Business;Content;Warm-up activities;I - Introduction;Why Companies Engage in International Business To Expand Sales: companie’s sales are dependent on two factors: the consumers’ interest in their product or services and the consumers’ ability and willingness to buy them. Acquire Resources: products, services, technology, and information Diversify Sources of Sales and Supplies Minimize Competitive Risk: companies move internationally for defensive reasons. Profits from one market can be used to expand operations in other markets. ;Reasons for Recent International Business Growth Expansion of Technology: transportation, telecommunications; Transportation and telecommunications costs are more conducive for international operations. Liberalization of Cross-Border Movements: goods, services, labour, Capital Development of Supporting Institutional Arrangements: development by business and governments of institutions that enable us to effectively apply that technology. Increase in Global Competition: new products become global; Globalization of production;Modes of International Business;2) Portfolio Investment: stock in a company or loans to a company or country in the form of bonds, bills, or notes that the investor purchases. E - Other Operational Definitions - Strategic Alliances F – MNCs, MNEs, TNCs, Global Company, Multidomestic Company;Corporations;Separate legal entity;Types of Corporations;Corporate Structure and Governance;Shareholders;Shareholders elect a board of directors to manage the corporation. The board delegates the operation to officers, responsible for guiding corporate affairs and selecting corporate officers. The board of directors and the officers comprise the management of the corporation.; (in charge of corporate strategy and general policy) (responsible for the general course of business. Make sue policy is implemented and advises the board of management) Corporate Departments;Advantages of m



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