商务英语课件谢毅斌 ISBN9787811342208 PDFeng451j_ja_15.pdfVIP

商务英语课件谢毅斌 ISBN9787811342208 PDFeng451j_ja_15.pdf

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《商务英语》 授课教案 Chapter 15 FREE TRADE Objectives A. To review different types of international trade among countries in the world B. To understand better the definition and the importance of free trade C. To learn relevant expressions and language structure Introduction It is said that the benefits of free trade can be obtained only if states are willing to give up independence and autonomy to a certain degree, which has caused increased economic integration around the world with various trade agreements among countries. We will learn some forms of free trade in this lesson. 据认为,只有当一些国家自愿牺牲某种程度的独立自主,它们才能获得自由贸易的好处。这种通 过国家之间不同形式的贸易协定而对本国自主权益一定程度的放弃已经在世界上形成了与日俱增 的经济融合。本课将向我们讲述自由贸易的一些形式。 Main points of the text A. 1. The definition of a free trade B. 1. The definition of a customs union 2. The immediate and gradual elimination of tariff barriers C. 1. The difference between free trade zone and customs union 2. The treaty of Montevideo D. 1. Bonded warehouses Background and terminology 1 《商务英语》 授课教案 Customs Union 关税同盟 An international association organized to eliminate customs restrictions on goods exchanged between member nations and to establish a uniform tariff policy toward nonmember nations 两国或多国缔结协定,彼此取消原有关境,联合成为一个统一的关境,为相互间实行关税减免, 对其他国家采取统一关税率而结成的同盟。结成同盟的目的是为参加国产品提供共同的、更广泛 的市场,抵制其他国家商品进口。 Treaty of Rome Two international agreements signed in Rome in 1957 by Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. One established the European Economic Community; the other created the European


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