商务英语综合教程第三册课件曹瑞明主编 ISBN9787566304865 PPTUnit 7 Insurance Industry.ppt

商务英语综合教程第三册课件曹瑞明主编 ISBN9787566304865 PPTUnit 7 Insurance Industry.ppt

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Unit 7 Insurance Industry (4) 3.Insurable Interest:可保利益,保险利益 保险利益是指投保人或被保险人对其所保标的具有法律所承认的权益或利害关系。即在保险事故发生时,可能遭受的损失或失去的利益。投保人对保险标的必须具有可保利益,各国法律把保险利益作为保险合同生效的重要条件,主要有两层含义:一是对保险标的有保险利益的人才具有保险人的资格;二是保险利益是保险合同生效的依据。 Unit 7 Insurance Industry (6) take ... as an example 把…作为一个例子 (1) Take my studying English as an example. She always regards me as a lazy boy in it. 拿我学英语为例吧,她总以为我不用功. (2)Take our Cinderella as an example. The face of Disneys Cinderella face is European, but ours is a Chinese. She looks like a young Chinese country girl, he said. 他说:“就说我们的灰姑娘把, 迪士尼的灰姑娘是欧洲人的长相,但我们的是一位中国人。 Unit 7 Insurance Industry (7) as a result of adv. 因此,由于;作为…的结果 (1) As a result of evolution, it seems to me that humans should have no more value than any other creature. 由于进化的结果,在我看来,人类并不比其它动物拥有更多的价值。 (2) It is commonly believed that people yawn as a result of drowsiness or weariness because they need oxygen. 普遍看法认为,人们打呵欠是由于困乏或疲倦造成的,因为他们需要氧气。 (3) As a result of all this, their incomes are up and land values have risen. 这一切的结果是,他们的收入增加了,土地的价值也上升了 Unit 7 Insurance Industry (8) protect ... against 保护……反对 (1) Once again, this criminalization is seldom used to protect women against violence. 再强调一次,这种违法身份很少用于保护女性免受暴力侵犯。 (2) Vulnerabilities have been found in every cranny and nook of the virtual world and this is why it is very important to protect your phone against malware. 在每个角落都发现存在漏洞,所以说保护你的手机免受恶意程序的侵害变得非常重要。 (3) They should protect people against fraud. 他们应该保护百姓免遭欺诈。 Unit 7 Insurance Industry (9) 2. After you have determined that you would like to insure against a loss, the next step is to seek out insurance coverage. Here you have many options available to you but it’s always best to shop around. 如果你确定投保,下一步是考虑保险险别。有很多公司可供你选择,但最好货比三家。 seek out 找出;搜出;想获得 (1) If you go out and seek out the homeless, give them presents. Thats the best Christmas. 如果你去找出那些无家可归的人,送他们一些礼物,那就是一个最美好的圣诞节了。 Unit 7 Insurance Industry (10) (2) Seek out those things you can get passionate about and



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