商务英语综合教程学生用书第三册课件彭青龙 ISBN9787811346237第三册第9课.ppt

商务英语综合教程学生用书第三册课件彭青龙 ISBN9787811346237第三册第9课.ppt

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Tourists’ footprints will be erased from the sand by the incoming tides, but their impact elsewhere is more devastating and long-lasting. — Nick Henna Sue Wells To know the reasons of and responses to scarcity of tourism resources; To see what business opportunities the global tourism has brought about for hotel industry; To understand the cultural heritage of world-famous tourist attraction; To acquire theme-related words and expressions and apply them in real situations. Unit Nine Video: Las Vegas Ad Watch the video of Las Vegas ad and answer the following questions. 1. What is “Chinchilli Day” according to the employee? 2. What does the employee ask for? And how is he going to celebrate the day? 3. What message does the ad want to convey? Cultural Notes Gray markets灰市 Galapagos Islands加拉帕哥斯群岛 Machu Picchu马丘比丘 Las Vegas Strip长街 Disney’s Epcot Center迪斯尼艾波卡特中心 Lascaux拉斯科岩洞 Guggenheim古根海姆博物馆 Words to Drill scour skyrocket escalate outstrip paradoxically spur legitimate swell outpace spring up Structural Analysis Question for Discussion What is green tourism? What are the core values of green tourism? What is medical tourism? Are there any potential dangers of medical tourism? Translation Exercise 1. Over the next several decades, hundreds of millions of new entrants to the middle class will want not only the things — but also the experiences — that money can buy. 2. As rationing becomes more prevalent, the very existence of waiting lists will, paradoxically, spur demand. 3. Responsible tourism means the ‘appropriate conduct’ that a tourist must display in a destination to respect the cultural, social and environmental contexts. 4. 2007年,在新兴市场的带领下,世界旅游业实现破纪录的业绩上扬,即使在经济危机和油价高涨的背景下,前景依然十分光明。 5. 一个重大的突破是,中国正式宣布旅游业成为国民经济的支柱产业之一。事实上,这是第一次世界主要经济体的领导人公开承认旅游业具有如此重要的价值。 Quiz Word Derivation Fill in each of the blanks with the given word in its proper form. 1. Tariff __________ (escalate) biases protection in both developed and developing



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