商务英语综合教程学生用书第一册课件PPT 彭青龙9787 81134 508 7第一册第9课.ppt

商务英语综合教程学生用书第一册课件PPT 彭青龙9787 81134 508 7第一册第9课.ppt

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re- The prefix re means “ again, back”. Examples: regain rewrite revisit rebuild reuse retell downsize v. --- to reduce in number; cut back Translation 这家航空公司削减了30%的员工。 The airline has downsized its workforce by 30%. 由于经济不景气,我公司开始削减员工。 My company started to downsize its personnel because of the recession. overwhelming adj. --- overpowering in effect or strength An overwhelming majority voted against his proposal. 压倒多数的人投票反对他的提案。 The flood was overwhelming and the city was soon drowned. 洪水来势凶猛, 很快这个城市就被淹没了。 differentiate v. --- to constitute the distinction between It’s important to differentiate between fact and opinion. 区分事实和想法很重要。 Monica is color-blind and can not differentiate between red and green. 莫尼卡是色盲,不能区分红色和绿色。 enclose v. --- to insert into the same envelope or package; to contain We enclosed a copy of our latest price list. 随函寄出我方必威体育精装版价格表一份。 The swimming pool was enclosed by a high fence. 游泳池被高高的栅栏围了起来。 toss v. --- to throw lightly or casually She tossed the beggar a coin. 她向乞丐掷了一枚硬币。 We tossed a coin to decide which way to go. 我们投硬币来决定走哪条路。 more to learn: toss n. toss n. --- the act of throwing something gently or in a slightly careless way The toss of a coin decided which way to go. 通过投硬币来决定走哪条路。 My team won the toss and hit the ball first. 我的队伍在掷硬币中获胜,首先击球。 senior adj. --- being in a position, rank, or grade above others of the same set or class Translation 高级经理 / 教师 / 军官 a senior manager / teacher / officer 他是一名资深的委员。 He is a senior member of the committee. 史密斯比我大三岁。 Smith is senior to me by three years. flourish v. --- to make bold, sweeping movements; to grow well He flourished his stick at the boy. 他朝那个男孩挥舞棍棒。 Most plants flourish in this rich soil. 大多数植物在这种肥沃的土壤里生长得很茂盛。 The economy is booming and my business is flourishing. 经济趋于繁荣,我的事业也兴旺起来。 transform v. --- to change in form, appearance, or stru



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