海事基础英语综合教程1课件总主编何明珠 主编吴雪红ISBN 9787566308566Unit1B1.ppt

海事基础英语综合教程1课件总主编何明珠 主编吴雪红ISBN 9787566308566Unit1B1.ppt

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Paragraph 4 Key Words And Expressions 6. extensive adi. covering a large area; having a great range广大的,广阔的;广泛的,大量的 e.g. ① The castle will undergo extensive and costly renovations. 那城堡要用巨资进行全面整修。 ② The teacher had both extensive knowledge and profound scholarship. 先生的学问博大精深。 ? However, different from a religion in the ordinary sense, Mazu is a special kind of ideology connected with anthropology, religion, folklore, sociology as well as the history of overseas Chinese, culture and the development of Fujian and Taiwan. Sentence Analysis 该句子的句式是“SVC”,主语是Mazu,谓语是系动词is,表语的核心成分是ideology; “different from a religion in the ordinary sense”是主语补足语,修饰说明主语 “Mazu”; “connected with…”是过去分词做后置修饰语,修饰主句中表语ideology. Paragraph 4 Key Sentence Analysis Paragraph 4 Translation 随着时间的流逝,人们对妈祖的尊敬已经变成了一种流传甚广的信仰。跟随海上商人和海外华侨的足迹,妈祖离开了莆田,离开了福建,走出了中国,出现在亚洲、美洲和欧洲的许多地方。因而,世界各地便有了1,500 多座妈祖庙,来自湄洲的妈祖已被人们神圣化了。对妈祖的信仰已经成了某种跨国界的民间信仰,其信徒已有一亿多人。然而,有别于一般意义上的宗教,妈祖是一种特殊的意识形态,它与人类学、宗教、民俗、社会学以及海外华侨历史、福建、台湾的文化和发展都有联系。这就是妈祖文化,它引起了中外学者的强烈兴趣和高度关注,现在已成为中华文化不可分割的一部分,也是灿烂的中华文明的组成部分。 turned out phrasal verb to happen in a particular way, or to have a particular result, especially one that you did not expect结果是 e.g. ① It was a difficult time, but eventually things turned out all right. 当时是处于困难时期,最后都没事了。 ② To my surprise, it turned out that I was wrong. 让我吃惊的是,原来我错了。 ③ That guy turned out to be Marias cousin. 那家伙原来是玛利亚的表哥。 Paragraph 5 Key Words And Expressions scatter vi. to move or to be far apart in different directions撒(播);散开,分(消)散 e.g. ① The birds scattered at the sound of the gun. 鸟群一听到枪声就四处飞散了。 ② The flowers fell and scattered on the ground. 花儿掉下来,散落了一地。 Paragraph 5 Key words and expressions 3. In the wake of preposition phrase coming after or following something or somebody随某事物之后到来,随之而来 e.g. ① Famine followed in the wake of the drought. 旱灾过后,饥荒重重。 ② The car left clouds of dust in its wake. 汽车开过,扬起阵阵尘土。 Paragraph 5 Key word



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