海事基础英语综合教程1课件总主编何明珠 主编吴雪红ISBN 9787566308566Unit7 B1.ppt

海事基础英语综合教程1课件总主编何明珠 主编吴雪红ISBN 9787566308566Unit7 B1.ppt

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1. sponsorship n. 1) financial support for an activity or event 赞助 e.g. ① The club has made an approach to a local business firm for sponsorship. 俱乐部已试探向本地一家公司寻求资助。 ② a $5 million sponsorship deal 5百万的赞助协议 2) the act of sponsoring someone or something, or of being sponsored 赞助 e.g. When it is done properly, arts sponsorship can be more effective than advertising. 操作得当的话,艺术赞助比广告更加有效。 Paragraph 67 Words 2. intrepid adj. (formal, often humorous) very brave; not afraid of danger or difficulties无畏的; 勇敢的 e.g. an intrepid hero 无畏的英雄 Paragraph 67 Words Over the next 13 months, Zac experienced rough storms, pirates, deserted islands, the loneliness of spending weeks alone at sea, the adventure of learning new cultures and languages, making great friends and losing some to the sea. Paragraph 8 Text 在随后的13个月里,扎克经历了狂风暴雨,遭遇了海盗,到过荒岛,体验了独自一人在海上度过数周的孤独感,尝试了解新文化和新语言,结识新朋友却又因为大海离开故交。 Paragraph 8 Translation 1. deserted adj. (of a place) with no people in it 无人居住的 e.g. ① deserted streets 无人的街道 ② Telephone shrilled unattended in deserted office. 在空无一人的办公室里电话铃突然地发出刺耳的尖叫声。 2) left by a person or people who do not intend to return 被弃的 e.g. ① a deserted village 荒村 ② deserted wives 弃妇 Paragraph 8 Words Zac Sunderland is now 18, finishing high school, speaking around the nation to youth encouraging them to put wheels under their dreams and looking for his next adventure. Paragraph 9 Text 扎克现在18岁了,完成了高中学业,正在全国各地举办演讲,鼓励年轻人为自己的梦想插上翅膀,而他本人也在寻找他的下一个冒险。 Paragraph 9 Translation Zac Sunderland is now 18, finishing high school, speaking around the nation to youth encouraging them to put wheels under their dreams and looking for his next adventure. Sentence structure: The basic sentence structure is “SVP”. S (主语): “Zac Sunderland” ; V (谓语): “is”; P (表语): “18”. “finishing…, speaking…” 是动词+ing引导的短语作为状语修饰 主句。而 “encouraging… and looking for…”是动词+ing引导的短语作为状语修饰 “speaking around the nation to youth”此句的。 Paragraph 9 Sentence structure Part Ⅲ Exercises Section 1: Comprehension


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