大学金融英语二课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 7.pptVIP

大学金融英语二课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 7.ppt

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Chapter Seven Capital Markets in the U.S. Learning objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. Give your definition of capital market 2. Tell the purposes of capital markets 3. Explain the structure of capital markets 4. Tell briefly all the major trading instruments of capital markets 5. Tell the chief capital market participants in the U.S. 6. Make a comparison between capital markets and money markets in the U.S. Notes I. New Words 1. exchange n. 课文中当“交易所”讲,如:stock exchange 股票交易所,commodity exchange商品交易所 2. secured a. 有担保的= guaranteed, 其反义词为unsecured 3. collateral n. 抵押品/物(英国人用collateral security或security 表示同样意思) 4. alternative a. n. 两者(或两者以上)挑一的/选择 5. variable a. 可变的,常变的 6. to preserve vt. 保护 7. crucial a. 决定性的 Notes 8. entity n. 法人(= legal entity) 9. proceeds n. 收入,实收款项 10. creditor n. 债权人,与debtor “债务人”相对 11. to warehouse vt. 储存= to store,英国人多用store 来表示同样意思 12. to entitle vt. 给……权力(或资格) 13. whereas conj. 尽管 14. to originate vi. 发生= to happen or occur Notes II. Useful and Idiomatic Expressions 1. to satisfy requirements for... 满足……的要求/需要;达到……的要求 2. to raise capital for... 为……筹措资金 3. to pay off 付清(债务或工资) 4. to set aside 留出 5. to fall into 可分成 6. to protect against... 保护以免受到……的损害 7. to pledge sth. as collateral/security 将……用来作抵押 8. over the phone 在电话上 9. by contrast 相比之下 Notes III. Key Terms 1. bond n. 债券 written evidence of debt 2. stock n. 股票 written evidence of ownership (英国人用share) 3. common stock 普通股(相当于英国人用的ordinary shares) 4. preferred stock 优先股(相当于英国人用的preference shares) 5. bearer (coupon) bond 无记名债券/附息票债券 bearer bonds require bondholders to clip a coupon off the bond and send it to the company in order to receive payment of the interest carried 6. registered bond 登记债券bonds which have the name of the owner registered with the company 7. capital projects 资本项目 8. U.S. Treasury Department 美国财政部(英国用the Exchequer) 9. T-bills/Treasury bill 美国政府发行的短期债券 a U.S. government short-term security sold


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