大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 24.pptVIP

大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 24.ppt

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Chapter Twenty-Four U.S. Insurance Industry Regulation Learning objectives After learning this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Tell the chief reasons for regulating insurance industry 2. List the major goals of insurance regulation 3. Describe briefly the principal areas of insurance regulation 4. Talk a bit about the characteristics of U.S. insurance regulation Notes I. New Words 1. rationale n. 基本理论基础,根本原因fundamental reason 2. pervasive a. 遍布广的wide spread 3. insurer 保险人/保险公司(它与insured“被保险人”相对) 4. to indemnify vt. 赔偿,补偿to compensate 5. unregulated a. 未被管制的/未被监管的 6. artificially adv. 人为造成地 7. initially adv. 最初地 8. to price vt. 给定价 Notes 9. insolvency n. 无偿还能力,破产unable to pay debts/going bankrupt 10. to afford vt. 给予 11. deceptive a. 骗人的 12. ambiguous a. 含糊不清的,能引起歧义的 13. detrimental a. 有害的,不利的 14. competence n. 胜任being competent; ability 15. virtually adv. 实际上,事实上actually; in fact 16. to underestimate vt. 低估(与overestimate“过高估计”相对) Notes 17. to institute vt. 着手进行,e.g. to~the necessary proceedings着手进行诉讼必要程序 18. outstanding a. 尚未付款的 19. reserves n. 储备金 20. accomplish vt. 完成(任务等) 21. policyholder n. 保单持有人;被保险人 22. claimant n. 索赔人,提出索赔的人 23. liquidator n. 清算人 24. excessive a. 过度的,过分的,极度的 Notes II. Useful and Idiomatic Expressions 1. be vested in... 归属于……,e.g. ~the public interest 归属于公众利益 2. to indemnify sb. for... 因……对某人进行赔偿或补偿 3. to vie for... 为……进行竞争(vie的现在分词为vying) 4. in the eyes of... 在……的眼光中 5. to go broke 破产become insolvent or go bankrupt 6. to afford equal treatment to all its creditors 向它所有的债权人提供平等的待遇 7. to spell out 清楚说明to make clear the details or meaning of sth. 8. to comply with... 符合…… 9. to exempt sb. from... 使某人免除…… 10. to aim at... 目的在于…… Notes III. Key Terms 1. fraud n. 诈欺any act, expression, mission, or concealment calculated to deceive another to his or her disadvantage 2. insurance policy 保险单,保单a legal contract under the terms of which an insurance company agrees to pay for stated losse


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