务翻译汉译英课件潘惠霞主编 ISBN9787811347609 PPT汉译英 Unit 1.ppt

务翻译汉译英课件潘惠霞主编 ISBN9787811347609 PPT汉译英 Unit 1.ppt

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Unit 1 BOT投资模式 《商务英语翻译》 (汉译英) 【Translation】 BOT(建设、经营、转让)投资方式在中国还是一个新的概念。该投资方式在外国受到重视的时间也不长。因为这个包括建设、经营、转让三个阶段都由一揽子的解决办法来完成的,自有其特点,主要适用于资金特别短缺,又急于改革开放的发展中国家或地区的基础设施项目,如公路、地铁、桥梁、码头、电厂等。同时,它还涉及政府、项目筹建集团、承建商、银行及融资机构、运营管理公司等,形成几乎是一条龙作业。并且在整个BOT项目中,需要签订各方面的大小合同将近10个。 BOT的风险需要由各方面来分担,而不是单独由一方承担。相对于其他各方来说,政府在整个BOT项目中所承担的风险显然是最小的。正因为如此,基于资金的严重短缺以及需要兴建的基础设施太多,政府才愿意采取BOT投资方式,把大型基建交给私人公司去承建和经营。政府决定把某个基础设施项目采取BOT的投资方式时,必须首先立法,发出许可证,寻找合作对象,展开谈判,然后签订合同。政府的风险就在于把许可证发给一个有可靠实力的私人项目公司筹划整个BOT项目,而不要将许可证“发错人”。 【Version for Reference】 BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer), as a way of investment, is still a new concept in China. It is also not long for BOT to gain importance in foreign countries. That is because this project which embraces the three stages of BOT (build, operate, transfer) is completed by a package arrangement so it has its own characteristic. BOT is mainly applicable to infrastructure projects such as highway, underground railway, bridge, dock and power plant in a developing country or zone which is especially short of capital but is eager to embark on reform and opening to the outside world. It involves at the same time government, group in charge of preparation for project construction, construction contractor, banking and financing institutions, operation management company and other, thus forming nearly integral coordinated operation. Besides, in the whole BOT project, about ten contracts, big and small, need to be concluded with various parties. The risk in BOT should be shared by all parties, rather than being undertaken by one party. In the whole BOT project, the risk undertaken by the government is obviously the smallest, relative to the other parties. It is just because of this that the government is willing to adopt the BOT way of investment, assigning a private company to build and operate a large-scale capital construction, considering the serious shortage in capital and the numerous infrastructures to be built. When the government decide



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