商务英语函电课件答案 李蕾ISBN 9787566301185 PPT wordUnit 2 Faxes and E mails.ppt

商务英语函电课件答案 李蕾ISBN 9787566301185 PPT wordUnit 2 Faxes and E mails.ppt

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Part One: Teaching Aims Requirements 1. Help students to learn about the advantages of the fax and e-mail; 2. Help students to study the formats of the fax and e-mail; 3. Advise students to note the questions when using the fax and e-mail. Part Two: Study of Fax I. What is the fax (telefax)? Fax is derived from the Latin word??“fac simile”, meaning?“make?similar”?or?“make?a?copy”. It is a mode of international telecommunications, which has been increasingly in use over the world. It is characterized by using the advanced electronic data interchange (EDI) procedures to make true-track duplicates of original writings and send to the desired destinations. As this is true-track transmitting, any letters, documents, diagrams, patterns or pictures can be used for dispatch. II. The advantages of the fax Fax is a modernized communication means superior to the telegram, telex, and telephone, and is the summary of the advantages of all other communication methods except e-mail. It has the following superiorities over letter, telegram, telex and telephone: 1. The contents that can be used for transmission ranges over a wide field. In cables and telexes, generally speaking, only English and a few characters can be transmitted; while in facsimiles, all languages (including Chinese, either printed or handwritten), characters, diagrams, patterns, pictures, etc., can be sent. 2. It is fast in transmitting, even faster than the telex. In sending out a telex, we have to, first of all, make an English draft of the message. Then, type it on a paper tape. And finally, check the draft to see if there are errors or mistakes in it before we actually start transmitting. Nevertheless, fax transmitting does not require these steps. When the line is connected, what you desire to send away will be immediately transmitted (usually within a few seconds) if it is fed into the fax transceiver. Thus, it saves time as well as labour. 3. It is cheap in cost. As the fax is dispatch



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