英语应用文PPT课件黄惠晖 9787 81134 678 7Unit 8.ppt

英语应用文PPT课件黄惠晖 9787 81134 678 7Unit 8.ppt

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6. Letter of Order 订货信 订货信是在买方向卖方了解了商品的有关信息后,向对方表示的订购货品的意向 Island World Holiday Inn 39 Headland Road Brinton, RRT 3WQ March 25, 2010 Mr. Li Ming Silk Export Co. Ltd. 16 Xihu Road Hangzhou 310006 China Dear Mr. Li, Thank you for your offer of March 21. We have received your sample silk and found it quite satisfactory in quality. We wish to place an order for 10000 yards of the same style and size. If possible,please arrange early shipment for it as we are badly in need of the goods. We hope that you will grant us a discount when we become your regular buyers. Please send your order acknowledgment by fax by the end of April. Yours sincerely, Brian Kennedy Brian Kennedy General Manager 感谢对方提供的信息 订货意向及具体要求 请求对方确认订货 Sample Letter 订货信写作要点: 订货信通常包括以下内容: 就对方提供的产品信息表示感谢; 表明自己对报价、货运方式和付款方式的看法,并提出具体要求; 再次确认订货并表示感谢。 订货信常用句式 We are glad to inform you that your terms of delivery and payment are quite acceptable to us. 很高兴地通知您,我方能接受贵方的货运和付款方式。 We could place an order with you if you reduce your prices at least by 5 percent. 贵方的价格如至少降5%,我们将向您订货。 We have decided to place a trial order with you for… 我方将向贵方试订购…… We can accept your offer on these terms, and are pleased to place an order for… 我们同意接受贵方条款,并高兴地订货…… Please confirm that you can supply this quantity by the required date. 请确认贵方可否在要求的期限内交货。 As the goods are urgently required, we should be grateful for delivery by… (date)因为要货紧急,恳请在……(日期)前交货。 7. Letter of Acknowledgement 确认信 当收到对方订货信时,一般应立即做出回复,表明是否接受对方订货,并要对买方提出的订购条件(如:货物数量、交货期、货款金额等)进行确认。 Silk Export Co. Ltd. 16 Xihu Road Hangzhou 310006 China March 29, 2010 Mr. Brian Kennedy Island World Holiday Inn 39 Headland Road Brinton, RRT 3WQ Dear Mr. Kennedy, Order 254 Thank you for your order of March 25 for 10,000 yards of silk. We are pleased to confirm that we have all the items in stock 确认收到订单 回答对方的提问或要求 Sample Letter and are able to make shipment by the end of April. The goods are due to arrive in Brinton on May 25. Enclosed are two copies of our Sales


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