英国历史文化概况英文版课件董晓波 ISBN9787566305251 PPTUNIT 7.ppt

英国历史文化概况英文版课件董晓波 ISBN9787566305251 PPTUNIT 7.ppt

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Unit 7 Education CONTENTS TEACHING AIMS After studying this unit, you are required to: 1. Have a general idea of Colonization and Education in UK. 2. Learn something about Universities in the United Kingdom. 3. Master the difficult words and expressions. Text A British Education System TEXT A Preview 英国是一个有悠久教育传统的国家。它的教育体系经过几百年的沿革,相当的完善和复杂。总体来说分为三个阶段: 义务教育,延续教育和高等教育。英联邦国家在各自政府管辖下有独立的教育系统。英国政府对英格兰教育系统负责,而威尔士、北爱尔兰及苏格兰教育系统分别对威尔士、北爱尔兰及苏格兰教育系统负责。就课程和学历资格而言,英国存在两种不同的体制,一种是英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰教育体制,另一种是苏格兰教育体制。 TEXT A Reading Comprehension Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true(T) or false(F). 1. Full-time education is compulsory for all children aged between 5 and 17 (inclusive). () 2. Only students at state schools need to take the GCSE examinations. () 3. All undergraduate education is largely state financed, with a small contribution from top-up fees. () 4. A postgraduate degree includes: Master‘s degree (typically taken in two years) and Doctorate degree (typically taken in three years) () TEXT A Reading Comprehension 5. Generally speaking, postgraduate fees are more than undergraduate fees according to the degree and university. () 6. Postgraduate education is not automatically financed by the State, and so admission is competitive. () 7. Education system in Scotland differs distinctly from that in other parts of the United Kingdom. () 8. The Workers‘ Educational Association offers large numbers of semi-recreational courses, without qualifications, are made available by Local Education Authorities under the guise of Adult Education.() TEXT A Reading Comprehension 9. Traditionally, the Scottish system has emphasized depth ac


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