实用外经贸谈判英语教程课件廖瑛 ISBN9787811348095 PPT PPTLesson 8.pptVIP

实用外经贸谈判英语教程课件廖瑛 ISBN9787811348095 PPT PPTLesson 8.ppt

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Part Ⅱ Practice on International Business Negotiations 谈判实践 Lesson 8 Meeting a Trade Delegation of America 会见美国贸易代表团 New Words and Expressions 1. amenity [?????????] n. 舒适;礼仪 2. gracious [????????] a. 亲切的;和蔼的 3. convey [???????] v. 传达,搬运,转让 4. overwhelm [??????????] v. 受宠若惊,使不知所措 5. sentiment [??????????] n. 感情,情绪 6. monopolize [???????????] v. 垄断;独占;拥有…的专卖权 7. enterprise [??????????] n. 企业,事业,计划 8. banquet [????????] n. 宴会,盛宴 9. appointment [???????????] n. 约会,指定 10. blunder [???????] n. 严重错误 Introduction Since the beginning of reform and opening policy, more and more businessmen and trade delegations have come to China for business. Mr. David Kinch, the general manager of Far East Industrial Corporation from America, is one of them. On behalf of Mr. Yu Ming, General Manager of Changsha Electronic Product Imp Exp Corporation, Mr. Zhang Hua, Sales Manager of the Corporation, gives Mr. David’s trade delegation a welcome dinner. At the dinner, they have an exchange of amenities, and both sides make gracious speeches. 改革开放以来,越来越多的外国商人和贸易代表团来中国洽谈生意。美国远东工业公司的总经理大卫·金奇先生就是其中一位。长沙电子进出口公司的销售部经理张华先生代表公司总经理于明先生,为大卫·金奇先生及其一行举行了欢迎宴会。在宴会上,他们相互致意,双方发表了热情洋溢的讲话。 Useful Expressions in Conversations 1) Amenities before dinner Thank you very much for inviting us to this beautiful dinner. I feel very much honoured. 非常感谢您邀请我们参加这样丰盛的晚宴,我感到十分荣幸。 Mr. David Kinch, I am very pleased to get this opportunity to meet you, who have come from afar to visit our company. I do hope you will have a pleasant stay here, as I stayed in your country last year . 金奇先生您不远万里来到我们公司,今天能有机会与您会晤,我深感荣幸。我真诚希望您能在此过得愉快,就像我去年在贵国一样。 From the moment we set foot on your soil, we have been overwhelmed by your friendly sentiments. 自从踏上贵国土地那一刻起,就深深被贵国人的至诚友好所打动。 In order to speed up our economic construction, the policy we have adopted is a reform and opening policy, the main purpose of which is to open our doors to the outside world further, to introduce more advanced technology, equipment and management a



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