商务英语口语课件丁晶 王淙ISBN 9787566307576 PTTUnit 13. Complaints and Claims.ljun.ppt

商务英语口语课件丁晶 王淙ISBN 9787566307576 PTTUnit 13. Complaints and Claims.ljun.ppt

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9. amber [??mb?] a. 琥珀的,琥珀色的 10. big season phr. n. 旺季 11. short weight phr. n. 短重 12. conclude the business phr. v. 成交,达成交易 13. put forward to a claim phr. v. 索赔 14. compensation [?k?mpen?sei??n] n. 补偿, 赔偿,赔偿金 15. breach [bri:t?] n. 违犯,违反(法规、协议、职 责等) 16. go to the bottom phr. v. 深究 17. home office phr. n. 总部 18. replacement [ri’pleism?nt] n. 更换,替代品 19. recurrence [ri’k?r?ns] n. 重现,反复发生 20. make up for phr. v. 弥补,补偿 21. workload [‘w?:k?l?ud] n. 工作量 22. remittance [ri’mit?ns] n. 汇款 23. inadequately [in’?dikwitli] ad. 不够地,不够 好地 24. breakage [‘breikid?] n. 破损,打破,破坏 25. inspect [in?spekt] v . 检查,视察 26. QC: quality control phr. n. 质量控制;品质管理 27. product defectiveness phr. n. 产品缺陷 28. express company phr. n. 快递公司 Part 8 Proverbs It is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do. ——Winston Churchill, British prime minister 不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。——温斯顿●丘吉尔 Success belongs to the persevering. 坚持就是胜利。 Better sense in the head than cents in the pocket. 口袋里有钱不如头脑里有知识。 The end * Unit 13 Complaints and Claims by Wang Ni Part 1 Teaching Aims To say sentences about complaints and claims To form conversations concerning complaints and claims To form monologues about complaints and claims To make an oral presentation about complaints and claims Part 2 Useful Sentences Read loudly the following sentences about complaints and claims and understand their meanings. 1. Due to your inferior quality, we have no choice but to file a claim against you. 由于你方的品质低下,我们别无选择,只 能要求索赔了。 2. Now that you fail to deliver the goods on time, we shall pay high prices for the delay. 由于你方未能准时交货,我方将要为延期 付出昂贵的代价。 3. We should have received 20 tons of goods, but the reality is we only get 15 tons. You should be responsible for the short loading. 我们本应该收到二十吨的货,可事实是我 们只拿到了十五吨,你方应该为这次的


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