商务英语听说第三版课件陈祥国 袁秋红ISBN 9787566307057 PPTL1 Traveling by Air.ppt

商务英语听说第三版课件陈祥国 袁秋红ISBN 9787566307057 PPTL1 Traveling by Air.ppt

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Language Skills Make flight reservations a. Stating time and destination of the flight I’d like to book/reserve a flight ticket from … to … for …. I’d like to make a reservation for Tuesday morning flight to Manchester. Do you have a flight to Manchester Tuesday morning? Do you have tickets to Los Angeles next Tuesday, July 6? Do you still have vacancies on your Monday flight? Language Skills b. Specific requirements for the flight I’d like to fly economy/first class. I prefer a direct flight/non-stop flight. Will this be a one-way or round trip? How much is the fare? What’s the fare/price for the flight to Chicago? How long does the flight take? What time does the plane take off? Language Skills 2. Check in at the airport a. About the luggage/baggage Do you have any luggage to check in? I’d like to check in this piece of luggage. I’m afraid they are 27 pounds overweight. You’re allowed 50 pounds of baggage. How much should I pay for the overweight? Could I take this briefcase as my hand luggage? Here are your boarding pass and luggage tags. Language Skills b. About the seat Do you want smoking or non-smoking? Do you want a window or aisle seat? Do you mind if you have a window seat, because all the aisle seats are taken. II. Translate the following dialogue orally. A: 您好,去纽约的CA941在哪里办理乘机手续? B: You can go over there for self check-in. A: 是我自助办理吗? B: Yes. You input your information first, and then you can select a seat and print your boarding pass all by yourself. A: 那么我的行李怎么办? B: After that, you can go to that counter to have your luggage dropped off. A: 好的,谢谢。 B: Have a nice trip. Key: A: Hello, where can I check in for CA941 to New York? B: 您可以去那里自助办理。 A: Shall I check in all by myself? B: 是的。您先输入您的信息,然后可以自己选择座位并打印登机牌。 A: Then how about my luggage? B: 之后,您可以到那个柜台办理行李托运。 A: OK. Thank you. B: 旅途愉快! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LOGO Lesson 1 Traveling by air 乘飞机出行 Aims Make flight reservations Check in at the airport Part A Sampl



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