国际商务环境英文版课件窦卫霖主编 ISBN9787811343663chapter 3 The Internal Environment of Business.ppt

国际商务环境英文版课件窦卫霖主编 ISBN9787811343663chapter 3 The Internal Environment of Business.ppt

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Chapter 3 The Internal Environment of Business Learning outcomes Outline the broad approaches to organisation and management, paying particular attention to the systems approach Identify alternative organization structures used by business organizations Discuss major aspects of the functional management of firms Illustrate the interaction between a firm’s internal and external environments. Text: Organization: the Internal Environment Three areas of the internal organisation: I. approaches to understanding organisations II. organisation structures III. key functions within the enterprise. Central theme: management Management is seen both as a system of roles fulfilled by individuals who manage the organisation and as a process which enables an organisation to achieve its objectives. The essential point: a function of organisations, rather than as a controlling element its task: enable the organisation to identify and achieve its objectives and to adapt to change. I. Approaches to organisation and management Three main categories : 1. The classical approach 2. The human relation approach 3. The systems approach 1. The classical approach The classicists basically viewed organisations as formal structures established to achieve a particular number of objectives under the direction of management Two important sub-groupings: (1) “scientific management” (F. W. Taylor) (2) “bureaucracy” (Max Weber) 2. The human relation approach This approach emphasises the importance of people in the work situation and the influence of social and psychological factors in shaping organisational behaviour. Elton Mayo Hawthorne Experiments Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs” McGregor’s “Theory X and Theory Y” Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne Experiments at the Western Electric Company (USA) between 1924 and 1932. individuals at work were members of informal (i.e. unofficial) as well as formal groups group influences were fundamental to explaining individual behaviour. Maslow’s N


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