对外经贸英语函电第四版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787811343946 PPT 89章教参pptC9L53.pptVIP

对外经贸英语函电第四版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787811343946 PPT 89章教参pptC9L53.ppt

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* CHAPTER NINE COMPLAINTS AND CLAIMS Lesson 53 Settlement of A Claim I. About the letter: This letter is in reply to the previous one, accepting the claim lodged by the buyers for a short delivery of 1540 lbs. on 1000 metric tons of Chemical Fertilizers. Through our study, we should learn how to write a letter accepting a claim raised by the buyers. In writing such letters, we should: 1) express our apology, because the responsibility rests with us; 2) give the cause for the mistakes made; 3) settle the claim as soon as possible. II. Additional notes: 1. incident n. 普通事件,附带事件,小事件 We hope this incident will not mar/injure/affect our pleasant relations. 我们希望这个事件不会损害我们之间的良好关系。 incidental adj.伴随着发生的 The cases must be strongly secured to avoid damage incidental to long sea voyage. 箱子必须捆扎牢固,以免在长途海运中发生损坏。 2. warehouse n.货栈,仓库 Twelve of the 150 records we ordered from you last Monday were completely smashed when they arrived at the warehouse here. 我方上星期一向你方订购的150张唱片中有12张在运抵`此间仓库时完全粉碎。 warehouse v.把……存放在仓库里 In the absence of definite instructions from you, we have to have the goods warehoused and insured against usual risks for your account. 在没有收到你们明确指示之前,我们只好将此货存放仓库并投保通常适用的险别,费用由你方负担。 3. negligence n.疏忽,粗心大意 Owing to our negligence, we have made a mistake in the L/C. 由于我方的疏忽,开立的信用证有误。 4. on the part of sb.(或on sbs part) 就……而言,在……方面 The fault is on the part of the shippping company. 错误在于船公司。 On our part,we always keep to our promise. 在我们这方面,我们总是守信的。 5. tender v.正式提出,提供 We would like to take this opportunity of tendering our thanks for your hospitality. 我们想借此机会对你们的款待表示谢意。 We wish to tender a proposal which can improve packing. 我们愿提出一项改进包装的建议。 6. long-standing relations长期的关系 类似的表达方式有long-established relations, long-existing trade relations, long connections, long friendly relationship等。 III. Chinese version of the letter: 迳启者: 你方对1000公吨化肥的索赔 关于你方9月6日函对化肥短交1540磅索赔一事,我方对此不幸表示歉意。想必你方在向客户交货时遇到很多困难。 经我方在格拉斯哥仓



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