对外经贸英语函电第四版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787811343946 PPT Chapter SixLesson 32.pptVIP

对外经贸英语函电第四版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787811343946 PPT Chapter SixLesson 32.ppt

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III. Chinese version of the Letter: 催开信用证 敬启者: 关于:催开信用证 我方曾于8月5日给你方回信,确认已收到你方50台684型钻床的订单并相应地附寄了我方第DP511号销售确认书的正本,该确认书规定发货应于10月底前进行,信用证也应于装运期前一个月寄达我方。现在装运期日益临近,但我方尚未收到你方信用证。我方认为你方应当立即办理此事。 因此,我方不得不再次给你方写信,催促你方开立上述信用证,以使我方顺利执行订单。 感谢你方合作。 谨启 IV. Key to exercises: 1. Translate the following into English: 1) The 500 sewing machines under Contract No.1245 are ready for shipment, but we have not yet received your relative L/C. To make shipment possible, please rush your L/C. 2) In order to avoid subsequent L/C amendment, please pay attention to the following. 3) If your L/C reaches us before the end of this month, we will try our best to ship the goods you ordered at the beginning of next month. 4) The date of delivery is approaching, but we have not received any news from you about shipment so far. 5) As you didn’t establish the credit for our Sales Confirmation No.1033 within the prescribed time, we had to cancel this confirmation. All the losses shall be borne by you. 2. Complete the following in English: 1) In compliance with the stipulations in our Sales Confirmation No.321, 2) Please see to it 3) We agree to your request 4) If the first shipment proves satisfactory, 3. Correct the following letter: Dear Sirs, It is regretful (regrettable) to find that there have (has) been no news from you at all about your letter of credit which should reach (should have reached) us before October 2, 2000, as prescribed in the captioned contract. We are the more dissatisfactory (dissatisfied) because you took no notice of our letter dated September 6, 2000, reminding you for (of) the situation. You may recall that the same thing was (---) happened to the execution of Contract No.4567 signed with you last year. It was only after the market had returned (turned) for the better you (that you) opened the covering L/C, quite beyond the time limit. We should have refused then in effecting (to effect) shipment, but we acc



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