国际商务谈判课件肖文萍Unit 12ClaimsUnit 12.ppt

国际商务谈判课件肖文萍Unit 12ClaimsUnit 12.ppt

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Unit 12 Complaints Claim Introduction It is a fact that not all customers will be happy,even in the finest run businesses,problems,mistakes,or even bad luck can cause people to be dissatisfied with your products or service.Thence,customers will complain,some may even lodge a claim against you. Many businesses tend to try and ignore complaints,or pass them off as irrelevant,however,if dealt with well,they can actually provide your business with a strong advantage. Objectives After completion of this unit,you should be able to: 1.Know causes of complaints claims. 2.Know how to complain effectively. 3.Know how to deal with claims properly. 4.Use the language to file claims and settle claims. Briefing Relative knowledge Special terms useful expressions Skills Let’s how you have prepared: Task 3 Lodge a claim 提出索赔1 Raise a claim 提出索赔 2 File a claim 提出索赔 3 Settle a claim 解决索赔 Admit a claim 同意索赔 Dismiss a claim 驳回索赔 Reject a claim 拒绝索赔 Entertain a claim 受理索赔 Reject a claim 撤回索赔 Waive a claim 放弃 Let’s learn some knowledge Common causes of complaints and claims 1.Delay in opening an L/C. 2.Delay in payment. 3.Poor quality of the goods. 4.Specification discrepancy. 5. Delivering the wrong goods. 6.Short—loaded or over—loaded goods. 7.Delay in shipment or non—delivery. 8.Poor packing of the goods. 9.Damage to the shipped goods. 10.Loss of the goods. How to complain effectively? 1.Remain as calm as possible. 2.Tell the facts which caused the complaint or claim. 3.Remind the other party of the possible impact to the mutual business relations due to the complaint. 4.Explain the remedy you want. 5.Express your wish for an early settlement. Procedures to settle complaints and claims: 1.Listen to customer complaints carefully. 2.Find out what has happened. 3.Apologize to the customer. 4.Suggest a proper solution. 5.Listen to the feedback from the customer. Negotiation tips: Master some necessary skills in settling claims: 1.Be sure the right person is he



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