大学核心商务英语读写教程1课件颜晓川 马瑞香ISBN 9787811348804 PPT u5 A.ppt

大学核心商务英语读写教程1课件颜晓川 马瑞香ISBN 9787811348804 PPT u5 A.ppt

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1. Background Information ——Proper Etiquette For Hosting a Business Dinner Background Information Proper Etiquette For Hosting a Business Dinner Proper Seating- Pay attention to Ladies First. This is also true when it comes to ordering. Women get to order first. If more than one is present then the oldest goes first. Proper Ordering- The only exception is when it comes to ordering the wine. You are the host and you get to pick a bottle or two from the wine list. Before ordering check with your guests if white or red wine is preferred. In doubt, order both! Introduction to the Text This text mainly describes how to host a business dinner successfully and effectively by presenting some helpful hints, such as choosing the appropriate date, seating strategy and alcohol limitation. Introduction to the Text 文体特征分析 本商务语篇为记叙文体。 本文的结构一目了然,三个小标题与大标题呼应,给读者一个清晰地阅读框架。首尾段分别阐述了正确hosting a business dinner 的重要性,起到了前后呼应的效果。 文章中多次出现第二人称,营造了一种轻松的阅读氛围,似三两好友之间的聊天,又似工作前辈的叮咛,娓娓道来,丝丝入扣。 Introduction to the Text Structure of the text PART I In the Beginning-the importance of hosting a business dinner successfully PART II Helpful Hint 1—arranging an appropriate date PART III Helpful Hint 2-seating your guests skillfully PART IV Helpful Hint 3-setting limit to alcohol consumption PART V-conclusion Introduction to the Text Business Terms business dress: 职业套装 seating strategy: 座位安排? excellent taste: 高雅的品位 first-class: 高档餐厅 sip and savor (the wine) : 慢慢品尝 Words and Expressions 1. postpone /pEust5pEun/ v. 4. Words and Expressions 2. eliminate /i5limineit/ v. Words and Expressions 3. gracious /5grei??s/ adj. Words and Expressions 4. comment /5kCment/ v./n. Meaning: a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief; provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases Example: We often comment on current events. 我们经常对时事发表评论。 His rude remarks passed without comment . 他那些粗鲁的话没有受到批评。 Words and Expressions 5. refrain /ri5f


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