大学核心商务英语读写教程1课件颜晓川 马瑞香ISBN 9787811348804 PPT u8 B.ppt

大学核心商务英语读写教程1课件颜晓川 马瑞香ISBN 9787811348804 PPT u8 B.ppt

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Contents Introduction to the Text 文体特征分析 本商务文体为说明文。文章的主题是关于如何与让人头疼的顾客打交道。作者使用总分的方法简明扼要地提出了问题的解决办法。作者在文章的前半部分重点提出了可能导致顾客抱怨的情形,在文章的后半部分给出了解决的方法。希望通过这样几种方法的尝试能够帮助大家更好地处理好与顾客之间的关系,为顾客提供更好的服务。 Business Terms Customer Service Rep The term Customer Service Rep, or Customer Service Representative is most often applied to an employee who is responsible for maintaining goodwill between a business organization and its customers by answering questions, solving problems, and providing advice or assistance in utilizing the goods or services of the organization. 1. encounter /in5kauntE/ v. Meaning: to come upon or meet unexpectedly Example: A man will encounter many troubles or even dangers in pursuing truth. 一个人在寻求真理的过程中,总是会遇到很多困难甚至危险。 Dont be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave. 不要害怕遭遇风险。只有通过冒险,我们才能学会如何变得勇敢。 2. patron /5peitrEn, 5pA-/ n. Meaning: a customer of a shop, hotel, etc, esp. a regular one Example: The usher handed the patron to a reserved seat. 引座员把顾客引到预订的座位上。 The new management is assuring its patron of its best effort and hospitality. 新的管理组织将保证为顾客提供最优质的服务。 3. picky /5piki/ adj. Meaning: fussy; finicky; choosy Example: Cindy is so worldly-wise that she handled various troubles when she was the personal assistant of that picky boss. 辛迪真是个善于处世的人,她在给那个挑剔的老总当私人助理的时候能把一切都处理地妥妥当当。 Our teacher is a very precise man and we sometimes find him a little picky. 我们的老师很严格,我们有时觉得他有点太挑剔。 4. frustrated /frQ`streItid,`frQ-/ adj. Meaning: having feelings of dissatisfaction or lack of fulfillment Example: All the sales members were frustrated by the result of the market survey. 这次市场调查的结果让所有销售团队的成员失望了。 The teams efforts to score were frustrated by the opposing goalkeeper. 该队想要进球的努力被对方的守门员挫败了。 5. frustration /frQs5treiFEn/ n. Meaning: the condition of being frustrated Example: He has a strong, tenacious character, so he is never afraid of frustration. 他性格钢韧,从不怕挫折。 The c



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