国际商务英语口语实训课件朱扬琼 ISBN9787566305176电子教案Three.ppt

国际商务英语口语实训课件朱扬琼 ISBN9787566305176电子教案Three.ppt

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Lesson 5 A First Enquiry Lesson 6 A Specific Enquiry Lesson 7 A Firm Offer Lesson 8 A Non-Firm Offer Lesson 9 Asking for Proforma Invoice Lesson 10 A Counter-offer on Scooter Lesson 11 Acceptance of a Counter-offer Lesson 12 Declining a Counter-offer Lesson 13 Skill Training [Aim] ■To master a firm offer a non-firm offer ■To understand proforma invoice ■To learn to make counter-offers [Main Difficult Points] ■Firm offers and non-firm offers ■Proforma Invoice 导入 A公司是美国一家纺织品进出口公司,通过广告得知B公司是中国一家知名的纺织企业。经资信调查A公司拟订购B公司的产品。从而向B公司发出询盘。但在B公司给予答复后,A公司对某些贸易条款并不满意,随后提出了自己的意见,希望B公司作出相应的调整,以达到成交的目的。 ■分析思考: 1、什么是询盘?询盘分为几种? 2、询盘应怎样予以回复? 3、为了促成这笔贸易,A、B公司在往来信函中应怎样劝说对方接受自 己的意见并使对方对该交易充满信心? ■启示: 询还盘信函在对外贸易中占着举足轻重的角色,写得精彩有说服力可以为公司赢得新的业务,有助于促进同客户间的关系;反之,则可能失去客户的订单,给企业带来损失。 Lesson 5 A First Enquiry [Aim] Learn to write first enquiry letters [Main Difficult Points] How to attract a potential supplier’s attention to your enquiry Content ■ Brief introduction ■ Language points ■ Useful sentences ■ Summary of the letter ■ Summary of business ■ Writing skills ■ Training in class ■ Homework ■ Enquiries mean potential business. When an importer wants to buy goods he needs , he may send an enquiry to the exporter. ■ A “first enquiry” , an enquiry sent to a supplier whom you have not dealt with, should begin by telling him how and where you got the information about the company. Language Points ■ enquiry -- make an enquiry make sb. an enquiry for sth. ■ supply: n./v. Supply exceeds demand. ■ supply sb. with sth. supply sth. to sb. ■ be well connected with sb. ■ find/enjoy a good market ■ for one’s reference—for one’s information ■ trade terms: terms and conditions Useful Sentences ■ We have noticed from…that you are … ■ We like to know whether you can supply us on …basis. ■ Being specialized in this line


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