商务英语综合教程第四册课件袁宏智 ISBN9787566304872 PPTUnit 6 Negotiation Strategies.pptx

商务英语综合教程第四册课件袁宏智 ISBN9787566304872 PPTUnit 6 Negotiation Strategies.pptx

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Unit 6 Negotiation Strategies ;;Warm-up Activities;II. Group work Business negotiation is a very important occasion in a corporation’s operation. Work in small groups, discussing the role of negotiation in business and what are important in business negotiation. III.Think about and then make a list of all the important points which you have discussed. ;Background Information ;;;; Notes of Text 1. priority interests: the interests which are the most important ones and should be considered at first by people in a negotiation 首要利益:谈判各方在进行谈判时要进行优先考虑并予以确保的最重要的利益 2. conflict spiral: This term is used in international relations and refers to a situation in which actions by a state intended to heighten its security, such as increasing its military strength or making alliances, can lead other states to respond with similar measures, producing increased tensions that create conflict, even when no side really desires it. 冲突恶化模式:该术语是国际关系中的一个术语,指一个国家加强自身的军事力量或与他国联盟的行为会使其他国家做出相应的回应,从而在即便双方无意制造矛盾的时候导致两国关系的恶化并造成冲突。;Text analysis;;;;Text analysis;;;Text analysis;;;Text analysis;;Text analysis;;;;Exercise: I. Answer the following questions according to the text:;;;Word Practice Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text. The initial letter of each word has been supplied for you.;6. A stream m________ towards the sea. 7. As of February 11, 2005, the v________ of these clearances has been extended. 8. How Harry came into the possession of this o________ stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating. 9. R________ includes more than gifts and favors; it also applies to concessions that people make to one another. 10. The hostess is very c________. ;;4. Yet the government is still ________ the current move of terrorism. 5. The forest was being cleared to ________ a much-needed new road between the Russian capital and St Petersburg. 6. Actually, I am ________ what you did, but I forgive you. 7. We’ll have the meeting in the classroom ________ in the aud



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