大学核心商务英语读写教程3课件陆军 ISBN9787811349207PPTunit 6.ppt

大学核心商务英语读写教程3课件陆军 ISBN9787811349207PPTunit 6.ppt

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ere Meaning 4. Words and Expressions Example a detailed list of all the items in stock And strong demand means that inventory gains are once again falling behind increases in sales. 而且强劲的需求意味着库存的增加再次落后于销售的增加。 (11) inventory /inv?nt?ri/ n. ere Meaning 4. Words and Expressions Example to make something continue to exist over a period of time They can no longer rely on this one major market given that America’s ability to sustain consumer spending is severely curtailed. 考虑到美国维持消费开支的能力已严重削弱,这些国家再也不能依赖这个唯一的主要市场。 (12) sustain /s?stein/ v. ere Meaning 4. Words and Expressions Example the act of getting possession of something In Mexico, a large state monopoly controls imports, domestic procurement, and the distribution of a wide range of agricultural goods. 在墨西哥,则是由一家大国营垄断机构控制大部分农产品的进口,国内收购和分配。 (13) procurement /pr?ukju?m?nt/ n. ere Meaning 4. Words and Expressions Example on the premise of The prerequisite for acquiring a well known trademark will be good quality credit, well known to public in reasonable scale, chosen by mass consumers and recognized by a specific process.成为知名品牌的前提条件是:有良好的质量信誉,在相当规模的地域范围内为公众所熟知,并经广大消费者评选和特定的程序认定 (14) be a prerequisite for ere Meaning 4. Words and Expressions Example look for Literally, the abstract is regarded as the most important component of a professional paper owing to its unique function as a useful tool in search for information. 作为信息检索的工具,英文摘要使论文能够迅速有效地得到交流,充分体现其学术价值。 (15) in search for ere Meaning 4. Words and Expressions Example on the other hand This boom in adult education, in turn, helps to raise the intellectual standard of the whole country.而成人教育热反过来又促进了整个国家文化水平的提高。 (16) in turn [解析] 本句中的whereby是关系副词,一般用在正式的文体中意为“by which 靠那个;凭那个;借以”,例如:She devised a plan whereby they might escape. Whereby 从句中主语为the needs of customers,谓语是are satisfied,through引导介词短语作状语。That引导定语从句修饰the materials and information flows,其中from表示起点,through表示过程,to表示终点。 1. Logistics management, from this total sy



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