新编外贸英语教程第二版课件廖瑛主编 ISBN9787811343847Lesson 31.pptVIP

新编外贸英语教程第二版课件廖瑛主编 ISBN9787811343847Lesson 31.ppt

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Lesson 31 Saying Good-bye and Seeing Off (告别与送行) ? The Important New Words 1. farewell [???????] n. 告别,再会 2. see off 送行 3. toilet [????????] n. 厕所,卫生间 4. gratitude [??????????] n. 感谢 5. remind sb. of... 使……想起…… 6. take off 起飞 7. landing [???????] n. 降落,上岸 8. happy landing 祝你平安 9. balcony [????????] n. 阳台 10. token [???????] n. 纪念品,小礼物,小意思 11. tag ?[???] n. 标签 Notes to the Conversation Oral Drills ① We are very honoured by your presence at the dinner. 你出席我们的薄宴,我们十分高兴。 be honoured by (with) ... 以……而感到荣幸 feel honoured to do... 因做某事而感到荣幸 ② I’d like you to accept them as a token of my gratitude for all your help. 但愿笑纳,寥表谢意 ③ everything... has left a deep impression on me. 一切都给 我留下深刻的印象 ● Background Briefing Mr. Brown has succeeded in concluding the business with Mr. Zhang, and will set up a joint venture in China. Now he has got ready to depart and return to America. 布朗先生成功地和张先生达成了交易,并且将在中国建立合资企业。现在,他准备起程回美国。 ● Situational Conversation 1) I’d like you to accept them as a token of my gratitude for all your help. 但愿笑纳,以表谢意。 2) We’ll have to set out from the hotel at 6:00 so as to go through customs and other things before the plane takes off. 我们必须在早晨六点钟出发,以便在起飞前能办理海关和其他手续。 3) I’m sure your visit will help to promote the friendship and understanding between both of us. 我坚信你的来访将促进我们双方的友谊和了解. Oral Drills Ⅰ. Comprehension of the Situational Conversation: The teacher assigns (Student)A to ask (Student)B a question according to Oral Drill Ⅰ e.g. A: Why did Mr. Zhang give a homely dinner to Mr. Brown? B: Because Mr. Brown will return to his country. Ⅱ. Complete the Following Dialogues: The teacher assigns (Student) A B to make dialogue. e.g. A: Good evening! Mr. James.(很高兴您能出席今天的宴会。) We are glad to have you at the dinner. B: Good evening! I’m very glad to be here with you tonight.(非常感谢你们的邀请。) Thank you very much for your invitation. A:Now dinner’s ready.(让我们尝尝这些地道的中国菜吧。) Le



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