英语报刊阅读教程课件罗春霞 ISBN9787566309969 PPTunit 4.ppt

英语报刊阅读教程课件罗春霞 ISBN9787566309969 PPTunit 4.ppt

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Unit Four;Titles;Passage 1 Ice Tsunamis Overwhelm Lakeside Homes ;参考译文:冰海啸淹没湖畔家园;4. 1 Passage 1 ;4.1.1 Before Reading (The Introduction of Background Information);Before Reading;Before Reading;Before Reading;加拿大和美国的“冰海啸”来袭 房屋瞬间全被摧毁 ;Before Reading;4.1.2 Global Reading;Global Reading;Global Reading;Global Reading;4.1.3 Detailed Reading;Content Questions;Vocabulary;5. Dauphin Lake: 加拿大马尼托巴省Manitoba西部城镇附近的多芬湖 6.Ochre River: 奥克河,位于加拿大曼尼托巴省。 Ochre [‘??k?] n. 赭石;赭色 Then, in 2008, researchers uncovered an ochre mixing kit in a South African cave. 2008年,研究人员在南非的洞穴里发现了赭石混合工具。 7. Manitoba:[,m?nitu?b? ] 曼尼托巴省(简称曼省)位于加拿大中心地区,曼省(Manitoba)的气候四季分明,冬季气候较冷,夏季温暖,6-8月的午后平均温度为25℃左右.。 8. Dub: [d?b] vt. 把…称为;把…叫做,称呼,命名 He was dubbed a traitor.(他被称为卖国贼)。 The king dubbed Tom a knight.(国王封汤姆为爵士)。; 9. go through: 参加;经受;仔细检查;被通过; 履行;实行;参加;完成 ; 通过(考试等);修完(课程):穿过;透过 We shall go through these papers together.(我们将在一起审阅这些论文) Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater(妈妈在抽屉中翻找毛衣)。 You didnt know what I have gone through.(你不知道我遭受了什么苦难) His relationship with Mary went through four stages.(他与玛丽的关系经历了四个阶段)。 The bill has now gone through.(这个提案现在已经通过) He has gone through the examination.(他已通过考试)。 You have to go through certain formalities before you can emigrate.(在你移居国外前必须履行某些手续)。 10.toothpick: [‘tu:θpik] n. 牙签 If you use smoking to pass the time, chew on a straw or a toothpick. 如果你吸烟是为了打发时间,那可以叼根吸管或者牙签。 toothpick holder 牙签筒; Toothpick Wrapper 牙签套 11.meteorologist : [,mi?t??‘r?l?d??st] n. 气象学者 ;;15.friction: [‘frik??n] n. 摩擦,摩擦力 Friction acts on moving bodies and brings them to a stop. 摩擦力作用于运动着的物体, 并使其停止。 16. mount: [maunt] vt. 增加;爬上;使骑上马;安放,安装;镶嵌(宝石);裱贴(画、照片) vi. 爬;增加;上升 n. 山峰;底座;乘骑用马 to mount the mountain(登上山) He mounted his bicycle and rode away.(他骑上自行车走了)。 The army mounted an attack.(部队发动了攻击) to mount on a motorbike(骑上摩托车) The picture was mounted in a wooden frame.(那幅画装在一只木质画框里) Prices are mounting steeply.(物价正急剧上涨)。 The temperature mounted into the 90s.(温



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