外贸英语对话第四版课件诸葛霖 江春 ISBN 9787566305619 PPTUNIT 7.pptVIP

外贸英语对话第四版课件诸葛霖 江春 ISBN 9787566305619 PPTUNIT 7.ppt

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University of International Business and Economics UNIT SEVEN Acceptance Words Expressions bid n. 递价,递盘(买方出价) cf. counter-bid 还价,还盘 tunnel driller n. 地道钻孔机(亦称凿岩机) technical data n. 技术资料 particular n. 细节 packing n. 包装 shipping marks n. 运输唛头 dampness n. 潮湿 Words Expressions moisture n. 水分 rust n. 锈 rough handling 粗鲁的搬运,包括摔、碰、撞…… leeway n. 余地 inspection n. 检验 claim v.,n. 索赔 carton n. 纸板箱 corrugate v. 成波状 Words Expressions cardboard n. 硬纸板 stow v. 理舱,把货物堆放好 complaint n. 抱怨,申诉 bind v. 使……负有义务,有约束力 dispute v. 争执 take the initiative 采取主动,带头 initiative n. 主动性 bridge the gap (弥合差距) Words Expressions set the ball rolling 推动(把这笔交易往前推动),即,开始 start the ball rolling 意思同上 I’m afraid, though 不过(然而,可是),我担心…… the profit margin 利润额(margin,幅度) The ball is with you. 球到你手了,轮到你出条件了。 Words Expressions cover our requirements 买进我们需要的商品 take another step down 再往下退一步;再降一次 can’t stand 经不住(可译为:受不了) We have no alternative but to… 我们没有别的办法,只好……(接动词不定式 come to a successful conclusion 圆满结束(取得成功的结果) make this an exception 把这件事作为例外 Words Expressions with an eye to 着眼于(后跟名词性短语) prior to 以前,在……之前(是书面语言,在一般情况下,尤其在口语中,用before) There will be no occasion for arbitration at all. 根本没有必要进行仲裁 The deal has come off nicely. 这笔交易成功了。 That suits me fine. 那很合适于我。 commercial integrity 商业上的诚信 Useful Phrases and Examples 1. take the initiative 采取主动 We should take the initiative in pushing the sale of new products. 2. bridge the gap 缩小差距 We shall find one way or another to bridge the gap. 3. to set the ball rolling 开始,使……行动起来 We are prepared to allow you a special discount of 3% in order to set the ball rolling. 4. I’m afraid, though, that... 尽管如此,我恐怕…… Useful Phrases and Examples 5. The ball is with you. 现在就看你的了。 Since we have already made considerable concessions in our prices, the ball is with you now. 6. take another step down 再行降低(价格) Although you’ve cut your prices, they are still not in line with the prevailing market. You ha


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