外贸英语对话第四版课件诸葛霖 江春 ISBN 9787566305619 PPTUNIT 17.pptVIP

外贸英语对话第四版课件诸葛霖 江春 ISBN 9787566305619 PPTUNIT 17.ppt

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University of International Business and Economics UNIT SEVENTEEN? Registration of Trade Marks Words Expressions registration n. 登记;注册 trade mark 商标 table light 台灯 battery n. 电池 like n. 同样的人(事物) comment n. 评论,意见 face to face 面对面 peacock n. 孔雀 Words Expressions panda n. 熊猫 evil a. 邪恶的;极坏的;罪恶的 omen n. 预兆;征兆 appropriate a. 适当的;合适的 respect v. 尊重;遵守 aspect n. 部分,方面 approval n. 批准,认可 validity n. 有效期,效力 Words Expressions expire vi. 终止,到期,期满 expiry date 有效日期 transferable a. 可转让的 transferee n. 接受转让方 imitation n. 仿造品;赝品 appeal n. 上诉,申诉 counterfeit n. 赝品;冒牌货 counterfeiter n. 伪造者 Words Expressions violation n. 违反 version n. 译文,译本 assistance n. 帮助;协助 certificate n. 证明书 registration of trade mark 商标注册 hold a talk with sb. 同某人进行会谈 at the last minute 在最后一分钟,在紧急关头 a law firm 律师事务所 Words Expressions to make comments on (about) sth. 评论某事 have a face to face consultation with sb. 同某人当面磋商 evil omen 凶兆 to respect the local custom of the importing country 尊重买方国家的风俗习惯 through preliminary examination 经初审 under ordinary circumstances 在通常情况下 Words Expressions make an appeal to 提出投诉 be of great importance ……非常重要 fill in the form 填表格 the registration certificate 商标注册证 upon the approval 一经获准 Useful Phrases and Examples 1. and the like 等等,以及诸如此类 We are interested in sweater, jeans and the like. 2. regarding 关于 We would like to have further discussion with you regarding agency. 3. as well as sb./sth. 除……之外;和;也 She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. Useful Phrases and Examples 4. expire 期满,终止,到期 The L/C expires on May 30. 5. in case 如果;以备,以防(万一),免得 In case you (should) change your idea, please let us know immediately. 6. grant 给予 Please cable us your firm order as soon as permission to import license is granted. Answer Key-cloze 1) The two corporate giants were brought face to face in a TV interview. 2) He will write to me again regarding the matter by next mail. 3) We would like to order products like aluminum discs, fasteners as wel


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