大学金融英语二课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 10.pptVIP

大学金融英语二课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 10.ppt

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This is the end of Chapter 10 Thank you for your attention * Chapter Ten Securities Markets Learning objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of securities markets 2. Tell the reasons why people invest in securities markets 3. Describe the clarifications of securities markets 4. Explain how securities transactions take place 5. Give a brief introduction to major securities exchanges in the U.S. and in the U.K. 6. Tell the chief economic functions of securities markets Notes I. New Words 1. claim n. 要求权,e.g. a financial ~ on the business 向企业提出的金融要求权 2. cash-rich a. 有许多现金的 3. rare coins 稀有硬币 4. high-risk a. 高风险的 5. to triple vi. 三倍 6. to supplement vt. 作为补充 7. yield n. 收益return 8. dividend n. 股利,股息 9. speculation n. 投机to buy sth. or invest in sth. with the hope to make a big profit in a very short period of time 10. confidential a. 机密的,e.g. to keep sth. ~ Notes 11. quotation terminals 报价终端 12. a bolt of cloth 一匹棉布 13. general store 百货商店,e.g. to get things at a ~ 在百货商店购物 14. to maximize vt. 使最大化(与minimize相对) 15. personality n. 个性,人格 16. trait n. 特性 17. proceeds n. 钱款,从……所获收益(注意proceed后必须加s) 18. to flourish vi. 兴旺,繁荣to be successful in business 19. remnent n. 剩余部分 20. to amalgamate vi. 使合并 Notes 21. the Big Bang 22. scales of commission 佣金级别 23. jobber n.(英)在证交所里只与股票经纪人进行买卖业务的中间交易人 24. market maker 造市者 25. listed companies 在证交所挂牌上市的公司 26. stringent a. 严格的,来历的 27. American Depository Receipts 美国存券收据 Notes 28. equities n. 股票 29. the London International Financial Futures and Option Exchange 伦敦国际金融期货与选择权交易所 30. shortfall n. 缺少,不足,亏空 31. to prompt vt. 促使 32. to pool vi. 使汇合在一起 33. to redistribute vi. 再分配,重新分配 34. diverse a. 不同的 35. implicitly adv. 不言明地 Notes II. Useful and Idiomatic Expressions 1. to live on fixed income 靠固定收入生活 2. be uncomfortable about sth. 对……不感到轻松自在 3. to thrive on 靠……兴旺发达 4. to take chances with money 冒玩钱的风险 5. to place a buy order 下定单购买,下购买的定单 Notes 6. to purchase sha


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