大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 21.pptVIP

大学金融英语一课件陈庆柏 王景仙ISBN 9787566304827 PPTchapter 21.ppt

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Chapter Twenty-One Financial System Regulation in the U.S. Learning objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: 1. Define the meaning of financial system regulation 2. Tell the principal reasons for regulating financial systems given by American financial experts 3. Give a brief introduction to the chief regulatory agencies of the U.S. financial system Notes I. New Words 1. regulatory a. 管制的,监管的,e.g.~agency 管制机构,监管机构 2. abuse n. 滥用(包括权力,规则……的滥用) 3. widespread a. 普遍的,分布广的 4. regulations n. 条例e.g. Regulation Q:Q项条例 5. panic n.(尤其金融方面的)大恐慌(financial~金融大恐慌) 6. charter n. 特许状,许可证 7. stringent a. 严格的,严厉的 Notes 8. upstanding a. 诚实的,正直的 9. unbriddled a. 无约束的,激烈的,e.g. ~competition 10. mandatory a. 强制性的,命令的 11. books n. 文中当“账册”讲 12. impeccable a. 完美的,无懈可击的 13. credentials n. 证书a letter or other written proof of a person’s position, trustworthiness, etc. Notes II. Useful and Idiomatic Expressions 1. to crop up发生=to happen 2. be subject to... 受到……的支配或制约 3. be associated with... 与……有联系的 4. to pay off 付清欠款,偿清所欠的款项,使人得益 5. to make contributions into a fund 向基金注资 6. a certain fraction of 文中当“一定比例的”讲 7. be responsible for... 对……负责 8. by means of... 用……方法 9. to impose restrictions on... 对……进行限制 Notes III. Key Terms 1. venture n. 企业 2. deposit insurance 存款保险 3. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 联邦存款保险公司 4. the Savings Association Insurance Fund储蓄协会保险基金 5. interest and principal 利息与本金 6. regulation n. 依法管理,监管 Main Text Definition of Financial System Regulation From legal point of view, “regulation” means directing and controlling by rule or statute or by restrictions or principles. When discussing financial system regulation we refer to regulation of not only financial markets but also financial institutions by the relative government regulatory agencies based on rules and laws. According to some financial experts view, the U.S. financial system is among the most heavily regulated sectors of the American economy despite ma


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