汉英翻译技巧课件钟书能 ISBN9787566304049 PPT08.ppt

汉英翻译技巧课件钟书能 ISBN9787566304049 PPT08.ppt

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一、导读 与英语相比,汉语使用被动句的频率要低得多,范围要窄得多。英语的被动句有相当规范的形式标志,而汉语被动句形式并不显著,常借助词汇手段或是意义上的被动含义来表达。因此,汉语被动句译成英语时首先遇到的问题是,除了有形式标志的被动句,要确定其他句子是否包含被动意义,并找出施事和受事的对象和关系,从而按照英语使用习惯进行相应的转换。赵廷鹏的《摆酒选官》选自《中国青年报》,文章紧密结合中国当今时代的社会特征和文化内涵,描述了摆酒选官这种畸形的中国社会现象。其旁征博引,针砭时事,发人深思。而王武兴的译文行文流畅,充分把握汉英两种语言的形态特征与差异,既成功地保留了原文的节奏和韵味,又能符合英语的使用习惯,特别是对原文出现的显性被动句和隐性被动句充分进行揣摩,进行相应的转换,为翻译工作者对汉语被动句英译的处理提供了很好的借鉴和帮助。 Selecting Officials via Feasting by Zhao Tingpeng Chinese drinking culture traces its history to ancient times. The surging waves of liquor overflow the dykes of food and drink, and turbulently sweep over the field of politics, art, economy, religion, and military affairs. If liquor-related anecdotes from different dynasties were to be compiled into volumes, they would be very rich and impressive. But the most original would be “selecting officials via feasting”. “Ode to the Propriety in Drinking” by Liu Ling sings the praises of liquor and detests human injustices. I wonder whether making a conscious link between drinking and a person’s character and experiences in life is taking some artistic license. A person’s drinking habits, bad or good, are all determined by his moral integrity: good people use liquor to do good deeds. Even the most disappointed one can still follow Li Bai’s example of composing a hundred poems over drinking liquor. Evil people employ liquor to do bad deeds. There are countless stories about killing people with poisoned liquor. Treacherous people make use of liquor to engage in unscrupulous scheming, Emperor Zhao Kuangyin from our Family Zhao once played the trick of relieving the generals of their commands at a feast. It can be seen from this that liquor makes or breaks things bringing merits or enticing us into temptation. However, it is a pity in today’s films and television shows that, besides showing us how liquor can drink down (drown) one’s sorrows, there are often descriptions of either men coaxing beautiful women into drinking for adultery or be


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