实用经贸汉英课件英汉口译 董晓波ISBN 9787566308207 PPTUnit 11.ppt

实用经贸汉英课件英汉口译 董晓波ISBN 9787566308207 PPTUnit 11.ppt

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本次论坛的主题确定为“WTO新一轮谈判与中国小康社会建设”,充分表明中国对正在进行的多哈发展议程的重视。根据《多哈宣言》,新一轮谈判应将发展中国家的利益和需要放在中心位置,确保发展中国家在世界贸易增长中获得与其经济发展需要相称的份额。 译文:“WTO New Round of Negotiations and China’s Road to a Well-off Society”was made the theme of this forum, which fully demonstrates that China attaches importance to the ongoing Doha Development Agenda talks. According to the Doha Ministerial Declaration, the new round of negotiations should have the interests and needs of developing countries at the core and ensure that they obtain a share in world trade growth proportionate to their respective economic development demand. But the WTO is worried. It detects a steady rise in barriers, despite the promises at G20 summits. The new restrictions range from higher tariffs to costly import licences and customs controls. Individual examples can seem trivial—new minimum prices for backpacks and prams in Argentina, for example, or new tariffs on lawn-mower-blades in South Africa—but the cumulative impact is significant. 译文:但WTO仍旧担心。尽管G20峰会上各国领导人均做出了许诺,WTO仍观察到贸易壁垒的数量在稳步提高。新的贸易限制手段涵盖了从高关税到昂贵的进口许可证及海关监管等各项措施。个例可能显得很琐碎——例如,阿根廷对背包和婴儿车制定最低限价;南非对割草机刀片设立关税——但累积效应值得注意。 自2001年底多哈发展议程启动以来,中国一直以积极、建设性的态度参与各项议题的谈判。在谈判过程中,我们与其他世贸组织成员平等协商,交换意见,协调立场,为推动多哈发展议程取得平衡的结果作出了自己的努力。 译文:Since the launch of Doha Development Agenda at the end of 2001, China has always been participating in negotiations on various issues with a positive and constructive stance. In the process of negotiations, we have consulted on the basis of equality, exchanged views and coordinated positions with other WTO members, thus making our due efforts in promoting the Doha Development Agenda to yield a balanced outcome. Regional deals can divert trade rather than create it. There are too many regional deals: Britain is a member of over 30. Although they do lower some barriers, most do nothing to tackle the highest tariffs. And each deal tends to enshrine the preferences of its largest member, making it harder to bring regional blocks together within a coh



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