商务英语函电第三版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787566305527 PPTChapter 5.ppt

商务英语函电第三版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787566305527 PPTChapter 5.ppt

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(B) A repeat order is an order for a further or additional quantity of the goods previously ordered. The price and quantity may be different from the previous order. In case an order is placed on the same terms and additions as the previous one – with the exception of the time of shipment, which is somewhat different, -- it is called a duplicate order. This letter is from the buyers sending a repeat order. But from the context, it seems that it is in fact a letter for a duplicate order, i.e. they take it for granted that the goods will be supplied at the same price. In the letter only a request for early shipment is mentioned. The seller of course may accept the order either at the same price or make a firm offer at a revised price. They may also refuse to accept it. (B) 续订订单 敬启者: 第PG107号合同“天坛”牌男式衬衫 我方已收到由“东风”轮卸下的标题船货,今十分高兴地通知你方,我们认为货物令人相当满意。因我方深信能在此地市场销售更多数量,我方愿向你方续订一千打,款式及尺码同前。可能的话,请为这批续订的货物安排早期装运,因为我方急需此货。 如果上述货物不能从库存中供应,请告知能装运的现货规格并说明全部细目为感。 谨启 6. assure vt. 向……保证;使……确信 1) assure sb. of… 2) assure sb. that… 3) be / rest assured of sth…. 4) be / rest assured that… We assure you of our prompt attention to the matter. 我们向你方保证立即办理此事。 We can assure you of the reliability of the market information. 我们可以向你方保证市场信息的可靠性。 We assure you that we will make shipment before the end of this month. 我们保证月底前发货。 We can assure you that our price is in line with the market. 我们可以保证我们的价格与市价是一致的。 You may rest assured of our close cooperation with you at all times. 请放心,我们随时愿意与你方密切合作。 Please be assured that we’ll revert to your enquiry as soon as possible. 请放心,我们会尽快再向你方询盘。 7. effect vt. 完成,实现, 通常在外贸英语中,表示完成装运、保险、付款、合同等行为。 We hope you can effect shipment immediately upon receipt of our covering L/C. 希望你方接到我方的有关信用证后能立即装船。 Please effect amendment to the L/C at once. 请立即修改信用证。 III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. 随函附去我方修改过的订购150,000码印花棉布的第888号订单。期待你方确认此订单并寄来销售合同。 2. 你方


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