商务英语函电第三版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787566305527 PPTChapter 6.ppt

商务英语函电第三版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787566305527 PPTChapter 6.ppt

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Chinese Version of the Optional Reading: Letter 1 敬启者: 兹收到你方12月13日传真,为感。 我方基本同意你方采用30天期信用证付款的要求。生产一旦开始,该信用证就应被开出。 由于你方所需的充电电钻机是按你方规格生产,因此我方要特备磨具和设备。 考虑到从订货到交货较长的时间风险,我方要求合同一经签订你方就现金支付全部金额的5%。剩余的45,000美元由30天期信用证支付,该信用证应于装运期前45天抵达我方。 我方相信此微小变动能得到你方批准,期待我们之间愉快地合作。 谨启 Letter 2 敬启者: 很高兴通过我们双方在春交会的共同努力与合作,达成了50公吨低碳扁钢的交易。我方真诚的希望第一笔交易能促进我们两国之间交易的同时也能促进我们之间的友谊。 关于付款方式,我方从一开始的谈判就坚持使用美元信用证支付。 我方已开始生产你方所购产品,预计一收到你方信用证我方就能装运。因此我方希望你方能继续按合同的规定尽快开立美元信用证。 我方保证会全力合作,希望你方信用证及时抵达我方。 谨启 Lesson 19 (A) Request for Payment by D/A (B) Reply (A) The letter is written by an overseas customer interested in Chinese stainless-steel cutlery. In the letter, the writer asks for payment by D/A as he is in the stage of opening up the market. As we know, D/A terms are favorable payment terms in our foreign trade. As for new customers, we dont allow such accommodation in general as the terms are only given to the trusted clients and agents. (B) In the second letter the sellers refuse the buyers request for D/A payment because their products are enjoying fast sales everywhere. About the letters 1. prospect n. 展望,希望;(常用复数)前景 Business prospects in the Special Economic Zones are favorable. 经济特区的前景很好。 prospective adj. 有望的 We have just located a prospective avenue for the sale of cameras. 我们已经找出相机销售的好方法。 2. count on ph. v. 指望,依靠 类似的表达方式有: rely on, depend on They counted on imports to stimulate their economy. 他们指望进口能刺激经济。 Additional notes 3. on one’s own account ph. prep. 为自己的利益,自负盈亏 类似的表达方式有: for one’s own account 某人自己花钱 We have bought the goods for our own account. 这些货物是我们自己(花钱)买的。 We bought the goods for the account of the company. 我们买的这些货物是记公司的帐。 The additional charges will be for buyer’s account. 额外费用由买方承担。 4. assume v. 设想,假定;承担 assume作“设想”,“假定”解与pr


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