商务英语函电第三版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787566305527 PPTChapter 7.ppt

商务英语函电第三版课件王乃彦 ISBN9787566305527 PPTChapter 7.ppt

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6. stress v./n. 着重强调;重点 1) stress + that clause 2) stress + n. The sellers stressed the importance of establishing L/C in strict accordance with the stipulations of the contract. The sellers stressed that the establishment of L/C should be in strict accordance with the stipulations of the contract. The sellers put / lay / give stress on / to the importance of establishing L/C in strict accordance with the stipulations of the contract. The teacher stressed the importance of careful study. (B) 通知开证 敬启者: 我方第5781号订单订购的500匹柞丝绸,约在30日前开出不可撤消的信用证,到期日为五三月十五日,特函提请注意。 由于销售季节很快临近,我方客户急需此货,请尽快交货,以便在季节开始时赶上旺销。 我们愿强调如延迟交货,无疑地会给我们造成不小的困难。 对你方合作,预致谢意。 谨启 IV. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. The 500 Sewing Machines under Contract No.1245 are ready for shipment, but we have not yet received your relative L/C. To make shipment possible, please rush your L/C. 2. In order to avoid subsequent L/C amendment, please pay attention to the following. 3. If your L/C reaches us before the end of this month, we will try our best to ship the goods you ordered at the beginning of next month. 4. The date of delivery is approaching (drawing near) but we have not received any news from you about the shipment so far. 5. As you have failed to open in time the L/C covering S/C No.1033 we have to rescind (recall) (withdraw) the S/C and hold you responsible for the loss (thus sustained) arising there from. V. Write letters with the following hints. A. Dear Sirs, We take pleasure in informing you that an L/C in your favour has been opened through Barclays Bank in London. Please arrange shipment upon receipt of the same. We should be pleased if you could manage to catch s/s “Browick” which is due to sail for our port on or about 10th this month. Please let us have your shipping advice as soon as the loading is completed. Yours faithfu



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