研究生英语核心教材课件下 陈锵明主编ISBN 9787811343137Unit 3.pptVIP

研究生英语核心教材课件下 陈锵明主编ISBN 9787811343137Unit 3.ppt

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Unit 3 Ronald Reagan: Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day Contents 1. About the author 2. Background of the Text: 1). 2). 3) . 4). 5). 6). 3. Questions 4. Word Distinctions 5. Oral Interpretation: 1). 2) . 6. Written Translation: 1) . 2) . 3). 7. Further questions for discussion Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911 - 2004) About the speaker Ronald Wilson Reagan, a former film star who became Americas 40th president, the oldest to enter the White House but imbued with a youthful optimism rooted in the traditional virtues of a bygone era, died at an age of 93 at his home in Los Angeles. To a nation hungry for a hero, a nation battered by Vietnam, damaged by Watergate and humiliated by the taking of hostages in Iran, Ronald Reagan held out the promise of a return to greatness, the promise that America would stand tall again. Mr. Reagan lived longer than any United States president, spending his final years in seclusion as he coped with the mental debilitation of Alzheimers disease. About the speaker: 罗纳德·威尔逊·里根,美国第40任总统,是历任总统之中就职年龄最大,又是历任总统中唯一的一位演员出身的总统。大学毕业后,里根成为一名电台体育播音员,后进入好莱坞华纳兄弟电影公司当电影和电视演员。第二次世界大战期间应征入伍,在空军服役。退伍后重返好莱坞,共参加了53部电影的演出。1962年、1976年两次争取共和党提名总统候选人,均未成功。1980年再次争取,被提名,并在竞选中击败卡特而获胜。1984年谋求连任成功。 About the speaker: 里根执政期间,提出一项旨在压缩政府开支、减少国营事业、降低通货膨胀率的政治改革计划,收效甚微。在他任职末期,是美国历史上持续时间最长的、没有经济衰退和经济萧条的和平时期。对外,对苏联等社会主义国家采取强硬立场,并提出了“星球大战计划”。他是中美两国建交后首位在任时访华的美国总统。1989年1月里根任期届满。2004年6月5日,93岁的里根去世。 1. Background of the Text By order of Adolf Hitler, the German armies poured across the Polish frontier on the morning of September 1, 1939 --- without a declaration of war. Two days later Great Britain and France declared war aginst Germany. But Poland was defeated within four weeks by the Germans who had developed a new kind of warfare called blitzkrieg (“lightning warfare”), which centered around the use of tanks and planes to achieve mobility and surprise. Th


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