英语应用文PPT课件黄惠晖 9787 81134 678 7Unit 5.ppt

英语应用文PPT课件黄惠晖 9787 81134 678 7Unit 5.ppt

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活动通知常用表达: — Time 时间,Place/ Venue 地点,Speaker 主讲人 — R.S.V.P. =Reply, if you please. 敬请回复。 — … are invited. 欢迎……参加。 — Sponsored by … 由……主办。 — … are requested to … 请…… — Please join us in (celebrating)… 欢迎参加我们的……(庆祝活动)。 — For further information/ For details, please call/ contact/ visit … 欲知详情,请致电/联系/ 访问…… 2. Notice of Updated Information 信息变化通知写作要点: (1)通知必须说明: — 活动名称; — 活动的时间、地点、出席对象、主办方等基本信息; — 更新的信息。 (2)通知还可以说明: — 更新信息的原因; — 联系方式; — 期待对方回复。 (3)通知正文可采用文章式或广告式。 信息变化通知常用句式: — The time of … has been changed to ………的时间改为…… — The venue of … has been moved to … ……的地点改为…… — We regret to announce … to be held on … will be delayed/canceled. 我们抱歉的通知原定于……举办的……将推迟/取消。 — Thank you for your understanding and sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. 感谢您的理解,并为此给您带来的任何不便表示歉意。 — Please kindly note that the time/ venue of … is not …, but … 请注意本次活动的时间/地点不是……,而是……。 — Due to/ Owing to…, … will be postponed to… 由于……,……将被推迟至…… 3. Notice of Lost Found 失物招领启事写作要点: (1)启事必须说明: — 丢失或拾到物品的时间、地点; — 物品的基本特征; — 联系方式。 (2)启事正文可采用文章式或广告式。 失物招领启事常用句式: — Finder/Owner please contact … 请拾到者/失主联系…… — Owner may claim it from … 失主请到……领取。 — Reward! 必有重谢! Part IV Learning to Write Memos Notices 1. COMCO is a software company. Look at the examples of the company’s internal communication below. MEMO To: All Department Managers From: Henry Wallace, Human Resource Manager Date: 15 Dec. 2009 CHRISTMAS EVE GALA There will be a company Christmas Eve Gala for all staff. It will be at 19:00 24 Dec. The venue to hold the gala will be Hilton Hotel on the 5th Street. I will send you details of the gala activities later. Please ask each one in your department to prepare a secret gift and write a short note on it. We will have a “Gift-Exchange” game in the gala. Please reply and tell me how many people in your department will come to the gala. 1. COMCO is a software company. Look at the exam


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