商务英语函电实训课件刘玉玲 ISBN9787811346855 PPTunit 3.pptVIP

商务英语函电实训课件刘玉玲 ISBN9787811346855 PPTunit 3.ppt

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Unit 3 Business Status Useful Expressions Unit 3 Business Status 对于贵公司所提供的情报, 无论内容如何, 一定会严守秘密。 Any information you may give me will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential. 以后如有机会, 我们将乐于为贵公司提供同样的服务, 作为对这次协助的报答。 It would give us great pleasure to be able to render you a similar service should opportunity occur. 如有幸由贵处得知附件中所提及的公司目前的财政情况, 本公司将不胜感激。 You would greatly oblige me by obtaining for me information as to the present financial position of the firm named on the attached slip. Useful Expressions Unit 3 Business Status 贵商史密斯公司希望与本公司开展交易, 指定贵处为信用出证人。 Messrs. Smith Co., of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have given us your name as a reference. 本公司接到横滨市八幡公司来函, 表示愿意与本公司建立贸易关系, 并指定贵方为该公司信用证明人。 Messrs, Yawata Co., of Yokohama, are desirous of entering into business relations with us and have given us your esteemed address as reference. Specimen letters Unit 3 Business Status Credit Information – Yours of June 8 Dear Sirs, With regard to the above subject, we are pleased to advise that our correspondent bank in Accra, Ghana, has now supplied us with the following information: The firm in question is an importer and wholesaler here of Electrical Machinery and Equipment, having a business background of some twenty years. They have been dealing with us ever since their inception, and for the present we extend to them a credit line of low four figures in Sterling for their imports mainly from the United Kingdom. At the moment, they are doing an active business, and judging from the size of the Ghana Accra handling all types of electric products for their local clients.” The above information is passed on to you for your personal reference only and without any responsibility on our part. Yours faithfully, Specimen letters Unit 3 Business Status Dear Sirs, We have made enquires concerning the corporation mentioned in your letter of October 20. We have to inform you of considering carefully in trad


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