英国历史文化概况英文版课件董晓波 ISBN9787566305251 PPTUNIT 4.ppt

英国历史文化概况英文版课件董晓波 ISBN9787566305251 PPTUNIT 4.ppt

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Unit 4 Laws and Rules CONTENTS TEACHING AIMS After studying this unit, you are required to: 1. Have a general idea of the law system in UK. 2. Learn something about the Constitution of the United Kingdom. 3. Master the difficult words and expressions. Text A Constitution of the United Kingdom TEXT A Preview 和其他许多国家不同,英国并没有成文宪法,因此称作“不成文宪法”。所谓的英国宪法,是对一整套包含基本规范和政治体制的成文法、习惯法和惯例的统称。英国宪法实际上是对英国实际的社会政治秩序的概括,是英国几百年政治流变的产物,并非一时制定的法律文件。英国著名宪法学家布莱斯曾评论道:“英国宪法是任何作者也作不出透彻说明的智慧产物,所具备的性质于几个世纪逐渐浸染而成。” TEXT A Reading Comprehension I. Translate the following phrases into Chinese or English. 1. be embodied in 2. be inconsistent with 3. straightforward 4. be dependent on 5. defer to 6. 迫使;强制 7. 重新洗牌 8. 配置;展开 9. 透明的;显然的 10. 长子身份;长子继承权 TEXT A Reading Comprehension II. Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right. 1.prerogative A. 遵照,符合 2.sovereignty B. 努力的 3. conform to C. 主权 4. breach D. 违反 5. arduous E.有特权的 6. consent F. 使溶解;使分解 7. dissolve G. 辞职;退位 8. Abdication H. 同意 TEXT A Reading Comprehension III. Discussion. How many principles are there of Constitution of United Kingdom? What are they? Can you give a definition of Constitution of United Kingdom? TEXT A Notes 1. A constitutional convention is an informal and uncodified procedural agreement that is followed by the institutions of a state. In some states, notably those Commonwealth of Nations states that follow the Westminster system and whose political systems derive from British constitutional law, most government functions are guided by constitutional convention rather than by a formal written constitution. In these states, act



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