实用外经贸谈判英语教程课件廖瑛 ISBN9787811348095 PPT PPTLesson 2.pptVIP

实用外经贸谈判英语教程课件廖瑛 ISBN9787811348095 PPT PPTLesson 2.ppt

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Lesson 2. Negotiation Strategies on International Business (1) 国际商务谈判策略 (1) New Words and Expressions 1. language barrier 语言障碍 2. ever-changing world market 多变的国际市场 3. bargains [???????] n. 讨价还价 4. situation tactics 情景策略 5. attitudinal tactics 表态策略 6. cordiality [????????????? ???????????] n. 热诚,热诚亲切的语言 7. hostility [??????????] n. 敌意,敌视,敌对行动 8. conceal [????????] v. 把……隐藏起来,隐蔽 9. range from reserved cordiality to concealed hostility 有的含蓄热诚,有的隐藏敌意 1. Introduction International business negotiation is a process that is complicated, arduous, and of course interesting in international business activities. You will meet with not only the language barrier, the foreign trade policies of various countries, the life styles of customers coming from every part of the world, but also the changes of the world market, powerful opponents for negotiation and different negotiation styles and tactics, which may bring you some difficulties in your negotiations, but give you great joy and satisfaction once you overcome those difficulties. 国际商务谈判是国际商务活动的一个复杂的、艰难的,当然,也是很有意思的过程。在谈判中,你遇到的不仅是语言的障碍,不同国家的外贸政策,来自世界各地的顾客的生活习惯,而且还有多变的国际市场,强有力的谈判对手,不同的谈判方式和策略,所有这些都会给你参入谈判带来诸多困难,然而一旦克服这些困难时,就会给你带来欢乐和欣慰。 2. Attitudinal Strategies At the beginning of the negotiation, the initial attitudes of the negotiators of both sides range from reserved cordiality to concealed hostility. 谈判开始时,谈判人员的最初态度不尽相同:有的含蓄热情,有的隐藏着敌意。 In the latter phases, the Party will apply attitudinal tactics to reduce the Opponent’s expectation level, and so develop in the Opponent an attitude more favorable towards the Party‘s viewpoint. 在后面几个谈判阶段中,本方谈判人员将使用表态策略来降低对方对谈判结果的期望值,使对方的态度有利于自己。 A third course of action is to persuade the Opponent that his valuation conflicts with commercial equity. 第三种做法是告诉对方他的价值观有悖于平等交易的原则。 A fourth method is to use activities outside the scope of actual discussions in order to make the Opponent to moderate his not so essential demands, and to adopt a less ambitious approach to the negotiations. 第四



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